6th year

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Harry Pov
My aunt was still working at the ministry. I found out this year she will be stationed along with Tonks at Hogwarts. I stand by my sister when I hear someone call her name. "Rose!" I look and see it's Draco. She runs to him and he hugs her. She hugs him both taller than me. She looks up slightly and they kiss. He escorts her onto the train probably to go find their own compartment.
Rose pov
"Rose!" I turn and see my boyfriend his mom smiles at us. I run to him jumping into his arms. His grip tightens on me he sets me down I look up and we kiss. "Good to see you, Rose." Nice to see you too Mrs. Malfoy. "How many times must I tell you it is Narcissa. I already know eventually you'll be my daughter-in-law." I smile at her and Draco escorts me to the train we find a compartment to ourselves. "I need to tell you something Rose." What is it? "I had to get the mark." What!! "I know I know you probably hate me but..." But what Draco he killed my parents? "He used you against me said if I didn't join he would kill you. I was just trying to protect you, Rose." I sit next to him and hug him. Thank you for protecting me I'm sorry I flipped out. You should have come to my Aunt Cel's home you know we'd welcome you with open arms. "I couldn't though because they said if I went there they would track me down and kill every one of them in front of you and me them kill you in front of me. I couldn't let that happen or take the chance." Gosh, I love you Draco. I gasp and cover my mouth in surprise of what I just said. He looked shocked then smiled. "I love you too  Rose." We sit there and cuddle soon Blaise and Pansy show up. We all talk Pansy glaring at me. She hated how I was dating Draco and she wasn't. Eventually, I fell asleep and the train ride came to a stop. I open my eyes and see him kicking Harry. "Why were you spying on us you know Rose hates it when you do that." That was the final straw I picked up my brother's invisibility cloak. I threw it over him and we left before I said. "Grow up Harry honestly how are we even related." I felt bad afterward but he was asking for it. When he finally walked in he walked over to me. I'm sorry I did that Harry but you just made me so angry the way you act like I'm some criminal. I'm not I'm your sister for god sake but it's like you don't see me as a sister. Go to the Gryffindor table you're not welcomed here.
Harry Pov
When my sister said those words I hated it because I loved my sister but when she started dating Draco I stopped trusting her. My Aunt Cel was right Nothing was more painful my sister wanted nothing to do with me and she's not dead. I knew Draco was up to something but I also knew if my sister found out I was basically stalking Draco. I would cause another fight. We've been back to school and strange things have happened and I'm sure it all is to do with Draco. Katie Bell was given a cursed necklace. And no one knows by who. I told them Draco but of course, Snape and my sister defended him. Now she has returned and Draco was leaving. I followed not knowing Rose followed us and Snape followed her. My sister is pathetic if she has fallen in love with you. "Don't call her pathetic!" He cast a spell at me and we go back and forth I cast a spell it hits him he falls and starts bleeding badly. That was when I heard a blood-curdling scream. I turn in horror to see my horror-stricken sister. She runs pass me shoulder bumping my shoulder hard. She falls to her knees and cries. "Go get help, Harry!" He held her hand and my sister looks like her heart was breaking. "I love you, Rose." "I love you too Draco." His head rests on her lap and Snape shows up. I run and don't hear footsteps chasing me. As I walk into the portrait hole I was followed and seconds was pinned off the ground to the wall. Everyone screamed at the sight of my sister with blood on her clothing. She gets pulled off by a 7th year. "What the bloody hell happened!" Asked Ron and the seventh year. "I'll tell you what happened he almost killed Draco! He almost killed the love of my life. The person I'm going to spend the rest of my life with! Because guess what Harry we got engaged two weeks ago! So sorry but after I graduate I will be marrying him and there is nothing you can do to stop me!" There was a look in her eyes one we all knew. It was the look of a Slytherin when they look at something or someone they hate or can't stand. It was in that moment I realized my sister hated me. I had officially lost my sister and it was completely my fault. If I hadn't provoked him we wouldn't have gotten in the fight. If I had stayed and not spied on them or had supported the relationship maybe I would still have a sister. Hermione glared at me and helped her upstairs. She allowed her to take a shower and a pair of her clothes. She went to the hospital wing where Draco was. "Oh, Draco please wake up I already miss your voice and your smirk." Poppy came to tell her to leave but my sister has fallen asleep. Her head on the bed her hand holding his hand. She let them be and I heard her mumble something about being like James and Lily. I could understand why.

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