2 Years Later

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Harry Pov
How couldn't you tell me that your father killed my parents!? Cass speaks first "He didn't he was framed my mom has a whole file filled with evidence proving his innocence. Your father even says in the book you gave her. Peter was their new secret keeper because who would suspect him. So don't go jumping to conclusions when you don't know everything. People just assumed he was the secret keeper he wasn't even given a trial. Grow up Harry I know you want someone to blame but it's not my dad or my mom." I hate you I wish I wasn't related to you. Fred and George glare at me Fred holding his girlfriend as she cried. They all walked away even my sister. Rose! "Harry she is like a mom to me they are like siblings. So by hating them, you hate me. Plus you've been a shit brother since the beginning. Jealous because we lived two different lives. So you really think I would side with you." She walked away Castor hugging her tight.
Dumbledore walks in with a sad smile.
Sirius and Celestial have both been given the dementors kiss. Everyone was crying but we decided to go back in time.
Celestial pov
We were back there and I cast a Patronus spell. Ok, minister, we need to have a conversation. Time we give my husband a proper trial and luckily for you I have all the proof needed. We can do it this proper way or all this will be leaked you didn't actually think the past six years I haven't been not searching and collecting. Now I'm going to show you exactly why I fit in great with the Black family. Now your choice. How is it going to be done? The Minister gulped I was not someone to mess with everyone knew that including him. I was brought to the courthouse a smirk on my face.
Now we are going to start with proof I've been collecting since he was put in jail. Sirius smiles at me and laughs. Now your honor would you like this file of everything proving his innocence and that he was never given a trial. I handed in the paperwork winking at Sirius my kids and Harry in the room on my side. "I don't think we can deny it anymore his innocence has been long since deserved. We took away enough time with his children, goddaughter, and wife. Deprived then of his entitled time with his family. He was given his wand and he hugged the children then look towards me. I ran to him and jumped into his arms. I was crying and he held me. I pull away we were both crying. I put my hands on his cheek. I missed you so damn much Sirius. I missed you too babe. He kissed me and it was a breath of fresh air. It brought back memories. We pulled away but I pulled him back tears still pouring down my face. But the smile not leaving my face. He just held me as I cried happily into his neck. He then wrapped his arms around the kids and we walked out. I ran into Lucius and we stopped. Lucius, I told you I would win and I would get him out if it's the last thing I did. "It may just be the last thing you do." I turn away and walk with my family.
Fudge pov
She was right and I saw the look on her face when he was released. It was a look of relief and like years of pain and agony and loss, it was worth it. It was a look of love when looking at him. A true smile one I had not seen since she was pulled away from Sirius.
Molly pov
When I found out Sirius was free I had to see him I gave him a hug. I know you haven't seen your dad. But I think we should let your mommy and daddy spend some time together. Cass speaks "oh mom going to get laid." "Cass! Run." She did running to me I laugh and we go back to the burrow.
Sirius pov
Hmm, I have an idea. I picked her up and she laughed she apparated to our home one I had not seen in years. Our kids had a room to themselves and we still had rooms. We were both well set. We were about to go for round two when there was a knock on the front door. She puts my shirt on and shorts on. Buttoning my top as we walk to the door. There stood Remus. "I would have hugged you but from the looks of it I don't want to touch you with a ten-foot pole." "Ok good thanks for stopping by but I was kinda about to do my husband and probably end up pregnant afterward." She slams the door shut and I pick her up again and walk back to our room. You'll definitely be pregnant by tonight.
Two months later
Celestial pov
It was like I was back to my old self. I was all smiling and color had returned to me. My kids were happier and life was back to the way it was. We were all hanging out when I called for a toast. Ok, I have a toast to Sirius. I've missed you for years and I'm happy you are back. To our future and the addition to our family. Molly ran over and hugged me tightly. Oh my god, I can't wait for another Black. I laugh and shake my head. The child or children will be here August but with my luck, I'll give birth early so in time for me to be at Hogwarts for something special that is happening. We learn the gender and or genders as of next month. We don't know anything it's going to be a surprise. Remus and Tonks know it all. Tonks will be being tested as she will be filling in for me. "Wait seriously?!" Yes, I told them I've been training you long before you graduated. Which I have and I believe you are the perfect fit. Now you better be staying out of trouble. Ok, don't go playing hero you know how many times I've ended up in the hospital because of that. "Too many times for me to count." "Wait what you what huh." I've probably been in the hospital about 72 times in the last 9 years. I've done a lot of undercovers and with the kids at school, I did a lot more. That doesn't matter because you are back babe and you are not going anywhere!

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