Chapter 12

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Jesse POV

I roll over and smile at Beca. She is adorable when she's asleep. Her nose crinkles as she slowly opens her eyes.

"Morning baby" She says stretching.

"Morning fiancee!" I say happily. She giggles and slowly sits up.

"Jesus it's late!" I glance at the clock, 10:30am.

"I thought Bella would've been awake by now." She says before walking into the kitchen.

Beca POV

"Stacie, you're up!" I say surprised.

"Bella's holding her own bottle look!" She point down to the baby rocker.

"Oh my god, adorable."

"Pancake?" Stacie asks.

"uh, I'm good. Wait, we actually have stuff for pancakes?" I ask.

"No you didn't, so I quickly went to the shops with Bella and bought a few shake ones and some coffee." She explains.

"You're really settling in, huh?" I say smiling. I was worried she would take forever to make our house feel like a home. I look down at her dress. "Cute dress, whats the occasion?"

"You're never gonna believe it... I got a job interview!"

"What job is it?"

"A voice coach/music teacher at a high school! Pay isn't super, but good enough to pay for rent and groceries every week! And apparently I'm the only person who wants the job so my chances are pretty good."

"Congrats, good luck! What time do you have to leave?" I ask. She looks at her phone and bolts to pick up her handbag.

"Now, bye and thanks again! Oh and happy first engaged couple day!" She yells rushing out the door.

Chloe POV

I am on the plane and its so nerve wracking. All my stuff was allowed on the plane and I only had to pay for one extra seat of luggage. This whole adoption thing is freaking me out though, I know I won't be a good mother. I've never been good around kids or babies and I think the baby would have a better life with a mum and a dad who both loved them so much more than I ever could. I already got in contact with one of the adoption agencies in the city near where my parents are, and they set up an interview for next week. I have all that figured out but most of this plane trip is going to be planning on how to tell my parents. They will be crushed. But once I explain to them the reason why I hope they'll understand. They've always been pretty supportive of me.

Aubrey POV

I decided to wauit until Daniel gets home. I could never imagine that, not being able to see my daughter. I feel so sorry for Daniel, he probably misses her so much.

I take out my phone and check facebook. I scroll through my news feed until one thing catches my eye. Stacie posted;-

Jesse Swanson and Beca Mitchell- ENGAGED! Congrats guys! Can't wait for the wedding! So happy for you!! xx Love you, and thank you so much for all that you've done. It means so much!

I feel my face go red.

"ENGAGED?! ARE YOU FRICKEN KIDDING!? JESSE IS SUPPOSED TO DUMP HER AND COME BACK TO ME! AHH!" I yell before punching the tiled kitchen wall. A pain shoots through two of my fingers. Uh-oh. I just broke two fingers. FUCK.

I grab my keys and quickly drive to the hospital. I walk through the doors and straight up to the desk.

"Hi, I'm Aubrey Posen, can I see my doctor, Doctor Nreshi please." I calmly take a few deep breaths as my doctor walks out.

"Oh hello Miss Posen, what can I help you with?" I hold up my hand and grimace.

"Ah, come with me. Through to hand surgery, those two fingers are clearly broken. I'll take an x-ray just to check the others and then we will plaster those two. Now Miss Aubrey, how did this happen?"

"Uhm, I got very frustrated with some personal issues and took my anger out on a tile wall." He chuckles and takes me to the x-ray room.

Hope you like it :)

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