chapter 2

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Valkyrie watched the scenery flash by as the duo headed toward Chicago. She had taken her shoes off and proceeded to sit cross-legged in the seat, much against Skulduggery's protesting. It felt funny driving on the other side of the road. She sighed in boredom and laid her head down on the council. She soon felt Skulduggery's cold fingers brush through her hair.

"Hey Skulduggery?" Valkyrie asked, trying to sound like the thought just popped into her head.


"Can you get me pregnant?" Skulduggery was silent.

"It's...possible, but highly unlikely," he said, trying to word it carefully. Valkyrie tried to swallow the lump that had formed in her throat.

"What do you mean?" she choked out. Skulduggery hesitated.

"Well, the necromancer told me that it would be next to impossible for me to get a girl pregnant just by sleeping with her and that it would require a lot than that." Valkyrie sat up and looked at him.

"What are you implying?" she said, skeptical.

"Nothing!" he replied quickly, "I'm not implying anything! It's just...I would have to be really...worked up for something like that to happen. Nothing against you, I swear!" Valkyrie rolled her eyes and looked back out the window.

"Why did the necromancer tell you all this anyway?" she asked. Skulduggery shrugged.

"No reason." Valkyrie knew he was hiding something from her about that necromancer.

"What do you ask anyway, about the pregnancy thing?" Skulduggery asked. Valkyrie shrugged, using the same tactic as him.

"No reason." Skulduggery shot her a look and shook his head.

"Well, if it's because you're worried about being pregnant, don't. You have nothing got worry about." Valkyrie sighed and laid her head back down on the council.

"I guess you're right," she muttered, trying to convince herself of that. She felt her eyelids getting heavy, the hypnotic hum of the car making her drowsy, and she soon drifted off to sleep.

Valkyrie awoke harshly to the slamming of the driver's side door. She moaned in frustration and slowly sat up, her muscles screaming at her in pain from her poor choice of a sleeping position. She stretched and looked around.

It was dark out, but the city lights gave off a orangish glow, making her squint her eyes. She creeped out of the car and continued to stretch her aching limbs. She was outside a hotel, a fancy one at that.

"So, Sleeping Beauty finally woke up, huh?" Skulduggery asked from behind her. She

jumped in surprise.

"God I hate you," she muttered, turning her back to him. Skulduggery walked up next to her and kissed her cheek.

"No you don't," he said smugly, walking into the hotel. Valkyrie blushed, shook her head and walked in after him. She followed him through the fancy lobby and into the elevator. Skulduggery kept shooting her smirks and Valkyrie just shook her head and looked toward the ceiling, unable to keep the smirk off her face.

They soon arrived at their floor and Valkyrie followed Skulduggery back out of the elevator and down the hallway until he stopped abruptly in front of a door, causing her to run into him. He took the room key out of his pocket and unlocked the door and then stepped aside, allowing Valkyrie entry to the room. She rolled her eyes and shook her head and walked into the room.

The room was dark, but the city lights shone through the open window, illuminating everything with that orange glow. She felt Skulduggery wrap his arms tight around her waist and slip his hands under her tunic, his cold fingers tenderly caressing her sensitive skin. Valkyrie felt every muscle in her body ache and throb with longing, but she tried to resist it.

"I'm too tired," she slurred out, trying with great difficultly to keep from letting a moan slip out.

"Are you sure?" Skulduggery asked slyly, proceeding to kiss her neck and let his fingers slide lower, under her trousers. Valkyrie couldn't contain herself as she let a long and loud moan escape her lips. She clenched her her hands into fists and her toes curled as the tingling feeling in her core start to grow.

"OK," she moaned out, "Maybe I'm awake enough."

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