chapter 10

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Conan Ceallach's task was simple: grab the girl and run. Or at least he thought it was simple before he watched Black choke to death. So Ceallach just decided to run. Run as fast as he could back to the hideout. Of course his boss was going to kill him when he found out he had failed at his mission, Ceallach thought dieing swiftly by his bosses hand was better than choking to death by salt water.

Ceallach burst into the hideout, gasping for air. He heard footsteps behind him and looked to see the three Infected that he and Black had taken with them had followed him back.

'Huh. I guess they think I'm the boss now that Black is dead,' he thought, almost smiling to himself. Never was he considered one of the "big dogs", his name was proof of that.

"So you came back empty handed Ceallach?"

Ceallach looked to where a tall man stood off in the shadows, looking out the window.

"Black's dead," Ceallach said, trying to gain some ground back, "The girl had salt water on her."

"That should be no excuse to not complete your task."


"Do not try to make excuses for your incompetence. You failed."

"But that dead man was there too! He was helping her-."

"Enough!" the man yelled, turning to face Ceallach, "You could not accomplish your task so I see no need for you anymore."

Ceallach began to panic.

"No wait! The dead man and the girl—they were together!" His boss rolled his eyes.

"They are always together you idiot, they are partners."

"No! That's not what I mean!" he squealed, closing his eyes and backing away slowly, putting his hands up in defense, "I mean like a couple!"

Ceallach slowly opened his eyes.

"Is this true?" his boss asked. Ceallach swallowed hard and nodded.

"Yeah," he replied, "We saw them kissing before we attacked them."

Ceallach then watched his boss do something he never saw before: he smiled. He didn't know what was scarier: the thought of choking to death or the sight of his boss smiling.

"Well, well, well. So the girl fell in love with her mentor. This could prove useful." He turned his attention back to Ceallach. "Well done Ceallach, it seems that you are good for something after all." Ceallach let out a sigh of relief.

"I want you to keep on eye on them. See what else you can dig up." He turned to look back out the window. "It's time that Valkyrie Cain got what was coming to her."

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