chapter 9

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"Oh come off it, you enjoyed yourself and you know it. Besides, you can't tell me you enjoy walking without your disguise on.

"I'll admit, it's quite nice to be able to do that, but I still don't see the joy of walking around in a crowded area full of people to look at shops full of sugarized candy." Valkyrie rolled her eyes as she stuck a piece of salt water taffy into her mouth and stode the rest in her jacket pocket.

"It's what makes me so sweet," she countered through her mouthful of taffy.

"Sweet indeed," he replied sarcastically.

Valkyrie had dragged Skulduggery downtown for the day, pulling him around to all the different shops. She had convinced him that they needed to scope out the surrounding area to look for anything out of the ordinary, but in actuality, she had just wanted to spend some quality time with her guy, enjoy walking around in the open.

Skulduggery sighed and shook his head.

"You know what I like best about it though?" he asked, a smirk playing at the corner of his mouth. Valkyrie raised an eyebrow.

"What?" He grabbed her hand and pulled her into him, gently kissing her on the lips.

"I can do that without being judged," he said. Valkyrie smiled.

"It is nice, isn't it?" she said, snaking her arms around his neck, entangling her fingers in his hair, "I think I like it the best too."

She kissed him harshly as he gripped her waist tightly. He then growled angrily in her mouth and pulled away.

"I still wish you would have worn your protective clothing," he mumbled. Valkyrie rolled her eyes and walked away from him.

"I'm fine Skulduggery," she said bluntly, looking down at her sneakers, blue jeans, t-shirt, and jacket, "I can't be wearing the same thing everyday. Besides, it's the middle of the day, nothing's going to happen to me."

"That's where your wrong."

Valkyrie turned around to see who had spoken, but met a fist instead, right in the jaw. She held her jaw, dropping to the ground, her vision momentarily fading to black. When her vision came back, she looked up to see Skulduggery struggling with a dark brown haired man wearing brown slacks that had seen better days and a white dress shirt that had been painted red with what Valkyrie guessed was human blood.

No sooner had she taken in the man's appearance, then a strong arm wrapped tight around her neck, lifting her in the air.

"Where do you think you're going girly?" a slippery voice hissed in her ear. She kicked out at the man holding her, her foot quickly making contact between his legs. He cried out in pain, dropping Valkyrie and doubling over to the ground.

Valkyrie turned to see her capture and saw a skinny man hunched over on the ground, dressed in a black suit, his long black greasy hair just covering his eyes, making the deathly pale whiteness of his skin even whiter.

He looked up at her with dark, bloodshot eyes, his cold menacing glare making her heart stop and her blood run cold.

"Get her," he hissed through gritted teeth and Valkyrie yelped as she saw three Infected come darting out from the woods behind him.

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