chapter 11

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Valkyrie awoke to see Skulduggery pacing back and forth in front of her, talking on the phone, his pants pulled up in a haste, the button and zipper not even done yet due perhaps to the phone call. Valkyrie groaned as she stretched her limbs and pointed to the shirt on the floor.

"Skul, could you hand me that please?" she muttered. He picked it up and tossed it to her, continuing to pace about the floor.

"Thanks," she said, slipping it over her head as she sat and rubbed her eyes. She heard Skulduggery end his call, then felt him sit down next to her.

"Good morning," he said, slipping his arm around her waist and kissing her forehead gently.

"Morning," she replied groggily, nestling up his chest in an attempt to fall back asleep.

"Come on, you need to wake up," Skulduggery said gently shaking her, "Your parents are arriving today."

A look of horror and despair came across her face that only Skulduggery could detect.

"Don't worry, everything is going to be alright," he said, hugging her.

"No it's not," she pouted, "They will be freaking out on me and asking me lots of questions and I'm already stressed with the whole wedding being so soon and have no idea what I'm supposed to do and-" Skulduggery kissed her on the lips, interrupting her rant.

"Everything is going to be fine," he said with a slight smirk. Valkyrie glared at him.

"Don't," she said sharply.

'Don't what?" he asked with the smirk getting bigger at the sight of Valkyrie's face turning from despair to annoyed anger.

"Don't smile at me like that! Why are you not freaking out with me?" Skulduggery couldn't help but to laugh. Valkyrie got so mad she started gritting her teeth.

"Calm down," he said after he regained himself and hugged her close again, "It's going to be ok. I took care of everything." Valkyrie just stared at him.

"You did?" Skulduggery nodded.

"Yes. I called everyone and set everything up."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes I'm completely serious."

"Wow," Valkyrie breathed, "How? When?"

"Don't worry about it; everything has been taken care of. Everyone will be here Thursday."

"You really have everything taken care of, don't you?"

"Yes I do, don't worry about anything. All you need to worry about is you."

"Alright Skul," she said, leaning into him, "I believe you. But what if I want some input in this wedding?" Skulduggery smiled.

"You can input whatever you like but I think I have you covered."

He then kissed her neck, pushing her gently back down on her back. She smiled, and then laughed as Skulduggery leaned over top of her, pinning her down. She let a soft moan pass through her lips, her arms slipping up around his neck.

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