chapter 7

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Valkyrie took a deep breath as she faced her parent's front door.

"I can't do this Skul," she said, her breathing pace picking up. She felt Skulduggery hug her from behind and softly kiss her cheek.

"Don't worry," he said reassuringly, "It will be fine. At least I think it should turn out better than when I told Ghastly." Valkyrie whipped around to face him.

"You told him?" she hissed. Skulduggery held his hands up in defense.

"I had to tell him sooner or later, and I figured sooner would be better than later." She shook her head in frustration.

"What exactly did you tell him?" Skulduggery looked away.

"That we were…together now," he replied slowly. Valkyrie glared at him. He was hiding something.

"Ok, let me rephrase that: What does he know?" Skulduggery hesitated.

"He knows…that…you're…pregnant," he mumbled, hanging his head lower with each word. Valkyrie bit her lip, feeling like she was going to cry.

"I haven't even told Tanith yet," she choked out.

"I'm pretty sure Tanith knows by now," Skulduggery said. Valkyrie shot him a threatening glare, her eyes flashing. Skulduggery backed off, looking down at the ground. She took another deep breath and faced the door again.

"Lets just get this over with," she said, then softly knocked on the door. Valkyrie's stomach suddenly twisted in knots of fear and her mouth became as dry as paper as they waited in silence.

The door suddenly opened and Valkyrie saw her mother smiling at her. She felt light-headed.

"Hi mum," she said. She smiled weakly and her vision suddenly faded to black.


Valkyrie slowly opened her eyes to blinding light and blurry vision. She blinked rapidly, her vision focusing more. She found she was laying on the couch with Skulduggery kneeling next to her, his hand on her forehead, her mother leaning over her, holding her hand, and her father standing next to her mother. Valkyrie moaned, her eyes rolling into the back of her head.

"Are you alright dear?" her mother asked, a look of worry on her face. Valkyrie moaned again.

"I'm fine," she croaked out. She brought her free hand up to Skulduggery's on her forehead and gave it a reassuring squeeze, then proceeded to sit up.

"Are you sure you're alright?" her mother asked, "Have you been feeling ok? Is everything alright?" Valkyrie took her hand back and rubbed her temples.

"Everything is fine mum," she said. Her mother nodded and straightened up.

"I'll go make you some tea," she said, walking into the kitchen, "Come help me Desmond." He followed her into the kitchen and Skulduggery turned to Valkyrie.

"You pull another stunt like that, then they will find out," he whispered just enough for her to hear.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, "I told you I wasn't ready to do this. I was just in…shock." Skulduggery tucked a stray piece of her hair behind her ear.

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