Chapter I

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"Bakugou's sign language"
'Actual signs'
"Mechanical Voice"
His parents sign when they talk to him, but not when they're talking to other people. Same with Izuku.

No quirk AU.


Screw my fucking life right then and there. I wanted to throw myself off a cliff.

     I glared harshly at my parents before signing them vulgar language.

"Fuck you! I don't wanna go to a fucking school!" I stomped my foot and crossed my arms in irritation. The old hag sighed and dad just stared at me pitifully.

"Honey, we can't homeschool you forever. You need to interact with the world," my dad said. I growled, I think, and rolled my eyes.

"Get ready for school brat. We'll be late." My mom turned away and walked into the kitchen, my dad followed and so did the middle finger I shot their way. I felt myself grumble before stomping upstairs. I wish I could fucking hear them.

I threw on the shitty grey and green uniform and tossed the tie in the trash. I didn't know how the fuck to tie it and I didn't want to learn.

My mother pushed me out the door and my dad followed, locking up the house. We were on the road as soon as he fastened his seat belt.

I watched the scenery go by. Trees, blocks of buildings, cars and off roads. Nature in general. And I looked at the frost cover the widow. Fuck the cold weather. Soon a gigantic building came into view and my eyes widened instantly.

I tapped my father's shoulder and he turned to me as I signed "I'm going to UA?"

He nodded with a bright smile matching my own, except mine a little more mischievous. But a small pang in my stomach told me not to get too excited.

We parked and walked up to the building, admiring the modern and high tech facility. We turned a corner that said 'Office'.

We walked in and was met with a short, cheery white haired man with a scar on his eye. He sat hold down and the adults talked for a few minutes as I zoned out, looking around the room.

A hand snapped in my face and my head whipped around to my mom. She was smiling gently and she signed to me.

"Honey, they're putting you into honors classes with the other kids. But for language, you'll be learning sign. Are you okay with that?"

"Of fucking course I am!" I smirked at her as she said something to the principal. They got up and shook hands with the short guy before a man with a square head and grayish skin came into view.

"I'll show you to your class, Bakugou," he signed before walking past me. After my immediate surprise, I waved my parents by before catching up to him. He continued to sign to me the rules and expectations of the school. And said that if I needed anything, come to the teachers.

We stopped in front of a door and I frown, trying to hide the nervousness that bubbled up in my chest. I nodded, implying I was ready and he opened the door to reveal a scraggly teacher in need of a fucking make over.

Third Person POV

"Class, we have a new student. Be nice to him," Mr. Aizawa announced. The blonde boy walked in hesitantly and slouched, a frown painting his face and his brows furrowed. "Mr. Cementos, would you like to explain?"

"Sure." The blocky man stood up straight and confused the class even farther. "Students, this is Bakugou Katsuki. He is a new student. He is also deaf." A gasp went through the crowd and Bakugou suddenly snarled. He stomped over to a boy with green hair who was surprised and shocked and scared.

Voice {KiriBaku / BakuShima Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now