Chapter IV

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     "Sero it makes so much sense! Even for me and I'm dumber than Denki!" Kirishima yelled. Sero was sitting on his bed deep in thought, taking the red head's claims into consideration.

     "Actually, you're very smart. You just don't know how to use your brain right sometimes," the raven haired boy said nonchalantly. "But it's true. For some reason I can see how that can happen. You're ears are very sensitive to sound and it's very possible to blow your eardrums. If they're exposed to too much sound, they'll pop like a water balloon."

     "How do you even know this?" Kirishima flopped in his desk with a questionable look.

     "One because my moms a doctor and two because I pay attention in class." Sero smirked before becoming deep in thought again. "Say, how come you figured this out before I did? Was it something he said or the way he talked?"

"Actually, his mother said something I thought was strange. Like, 'I thought you went mute after what happened,' or something. Not to mention his parents bout fainted when their son yelled at them. And the way he acted at the restaurant. He's not someone who would run away like that. He beat a man's ass trying to steal an old woman's purse the other day. He knows how to fight."

     Kirishima started to ramble and overthink. Something he didn't do often, but in a strange way, everything coming out of his mouth made sense. And then Sero has a thought.

"You're more observant than I thought." He leaned forward with a shit eating grin. "Is it because it was Bakugou you observed? Are you secretly a stalker?" The words were out of his mouth before Kirishima knew how to react to the first part. But no matter, his face turned very red, and he averted his gaze.

"Don't—Don't do that! He's attractive, man! It's only natural for a gay like me to look! Not to mention many girls tried to flirt with him so don't judge!" He pointed his finger accusingly. Sero only giggled slightly with a wave of his hand.

     "I didn't say anything about finding him hot. Not that he isn't, so you're right. But why Bakugou? He's such an ass." Kirishima sighed as he flopped in a chair, running a hand through his loose hair.

"I dunno. He's just— different, ya know? He's so smart and hardworking and manly and..." His face twisted awkwardly. "And don't take this the wrong way, but he's smells nice. Like burnt caramel or something, and I like it." He chuckled as he pleated his pocket.

"Yup, definitely a stalker."

"Shut the hell up, man! I'm not a stalker!" Kirishima threw a pillow at the boy and it soon turned into a war.

     After the two grew tired, Kirishima looked out of the window, realizing how late it has gotten when the moon was in the middle of the sky.

     "Wanna go to bed? It's almost midnight."


     "Bakugou! Wait up man!" Kirishima yelled after the boy. Though, feeling stupid that he forgot he was deaf. And he noticed how tense his shoulders seemed to be, so he figures if he wanted to keep his hand, he'll just go in front of him to be noticed.

He jogged up to Bakugou and stopped slightly in front of him, gaining his attention though with a tired snarl. "The hell do you want?"

"What? I can't walk with my best friend?" he fake pouted, only to ruin it with a smile. "How've ya been?" Bakugou looked at him for a good solid minute, his face impassive and sleepy, and almost—

Bakugou fell forwards with his eyes closed. And before, Kirishima didn't noticed how sweaty he was until he caught him. In one swift motion, he cradled him in his arms and ran to the nearest tree, hiding behind it. He settled the boy on the ground carefully and gently placed his head on his lap, taking his tie and wiping away the liquid best he can.

"Oh my god. What do I do? Why did I bring him over here?" But he knew exactly why. Bakugou's pride would've been ruined even more if everyone saw him faint. He put his hand on his forehead. "Hot. He has a fever. Shit." He looked around the tree, students were piling into the school, trying to make it to class on time. He glanced back to Bakugou and sighed. "I guess I'll have to skip school."


Katsuki opened his eyes and groaned. His head was in pain, a headache probably. His body was sore and his energy depleted. He didn't even find the strength in him to scowl anymore— Wait.

He jolted upward in a panic, looking and realizing he's in a foreign place. His heart beat skyrocketed as he began to scramble off the couch.

A hand was soon felt on his shoulder and yanked him back down, making his head pound and squeeze his eyes shut, hissing through his teeth in pain. But then remembered what happened.

He gulped, his scratchy throat seemingly complied. He was walking with Kirishima, and fainted. He hadn't felt well at all since last night—Is it still that same day?

     He felt a hand on his head. Slowly, he squinted his eyes to see Kirishima. His hair was down and he was wearing casual clothing. He smiled softly, concern and joy very visible in his red irises. "I'm actually glad that you're awake though. I thought you were gonna go comatose on me," he said. He laughed lightly, bringing a warm, fuzzy feeling to his chest. And he knew it wasn't because of his shitty cold.

"Wha...?" He looked down at himself, curiously wondering why he wasn't uncomfortable in his uniform, but he wasn't wearing it anymore. The soft fabric of a navy blue sweatshirt and the loose shorts that hung around his waist. His pale bare feet were tangled under a soft blanket.

"Oh yeah, I lended you my clothes. I didn't want your uniform to get ruined because you couldn't get a vomit stain out." He slightly chuckled, a faint blush painted his face compared to Katsuki's tomato red one.

"...thanks....I guess," he mumbled shyly. 'Did he notice the scars?' The thought sent a sense of self-consciousness through his chest along with embarrassment. For what seemed like an eternity, he finally found the courage to look up at him. Into his ruby red eyes that never failed to make his heart flutter. Katsuki was met with a soft, admirable grin that made his breath hitch a bit. "Who else saw...?"

The question seemed to take the redhead off guard, but he answered anyway. "I don't think anyone saw. As soon as you fell, I carried you behind a tree away from view. I don't know why, but I guess I wanted to save your pride." He hadn't laughed when he said it, nor did he frown. His face was genuinely... proud. It seemed stupid, but that's what it looked like to him.

While Eijirou was looking away and doing something else, Katsuki stared at him, not paying attention to what he was doing, as he reached forward...

All the homo.

Published September 26 2019
Edited December 13 2022

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