Chapter X

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Bakugou saw something yellow, and as he ran closer, he gasped.

Kaminari was speaking with Mina as the two looked worried and panicked. He was about to call out for them before everything went silent. He looked around and touched ears with a sigh.

He just lost his hearing aid. No big deal.

He started to jog towards them before he felt something penetrating his shoulder blade. He let out a scream he couldn't hear and knelt down on one knee.

~Mina POV~

"Kami, did you hear that?!" Mina squealed, her peculiar eyes searching the field.

"Yeah it came from this way!" He pointed in the direction of the scream and ran, Mina following.

Not even seven feet in front, they saw ashy blond hair coated in dirt.

"Fucking...shit..." he cursed. Kaminari grabbed his arm gently, and Mina took the other one. Bakugou reeled back, growling at them before he realized who they were.

Mina took in his condition: covered in blood, a knife in his back and his clothes barely covering his torso and below the knees. Scratches and bruise littering his body all over and a small gash on his jaw. His nose was bloody and his lips were cracked along with puffy eyes.

"Holy shit!" Kaminari exclaimed. "We have to get them to the others. I'll call Kiri, he's with a police officer." He dialed his phone and did what he just shared. Mina walked to a log and carefully sat the bleeding Katsuki down. She looked at his ears and noticed he didn't have his hearing aids. So she signed.

"Are you good?" Bakugou stared at her for a moment before shaking his head no.

"Yeah, Thanks. We'll be right there." Kami hung up the phone with a sigh. "They can't track us out here so we have to got to the road. There's an ambulance there." Mina nodded before telling Bakugou who nodded as well. He stood up slowly, taking a step forward before collapsing into the two.

"We have to carry him. He's lost too much blood," Mina said, trying to keep her panic under control, draping an arm over her shoulders. Kaminari did the same and the three made their way out of the trees.

~Kirishima POV~

He waited anxiously as well as his parents. Ten minutes had passed and not a sight to behold.

He grunted before walking to the tree line. A police officer stopped him though.

"Just be patient. You don't have to go in there-"

"Don't stop me. It's been too long," Kirishima glared. He stomped off and ran into the woods. He listened carefully through the crunching of leaves under his feet and chirping birds for any signs of them. He walked two more feet deeper before the sound of chattering reached his ears. With a smile, he followed the voices and spotted pink and bright yellow hair through the brush.

"Hey Kami! Mina! Are you alright?!" He called.

"Yeah! We have Baku! But, he's not okay! Can you come help us?!" Mina yelled back. He inhaled deeply before tearing a tunnel through the sticks and bushes. He ducked under a tree log and stood up with a smile.

His smile dropped.

His eyes gazed over his boyfriends battered body with horror. His eyes were closed and he saw the hinge of his jaw open and close.

"He needs medical attention and we don't have time to waste. Here, you're stronger than both of us so you carry him. But be careful, he has a lot of cuts." Kirishima didn't hesitate to slip his arm under his knees and the other on his shoulder. A knife was sticking out of his back and that made tears spill over the rims of his eyes.

He took a gulp, walking in the direction of the road, saying, "This way."

He held Bakugou protectively, and soon, they were out of the tree line. People gasped in shock and Bakugou's parents cried out in happiness.

"I...want to...kill that mother f-fucker," Katsuki muttered painfully. Kirishima smiled and pecked a kiss on his forehead before handing him over in the paramedics. He hopped in the back of the ambulance along with his friends and Mitsuki and they drove to the hospital.

     It was only when they reached the hospital that Kirishima let out an ear piercing cry in the parking lot.


Katsuki grunted as he opened his eyes to a bright room. His body felt sore and his back stung as well as his leg. He looked around, taking notice of the bland walls and the marked whiteboard. IVs and a heart monitor was hooked up to him and he groaned.

'I'm in a damn hospital. Great.' He closed his eyes again before he felt the vibration of the floor through his bed. He peaked through his eyelids and they landed on bright red hair. His face was somber and the light in his eyes seemed a little dull. He didn't have a smile on him and his unusually soft locks rested flat on his head.

Bakugou smiled and pushed himself up slowly, gaining the boy's attention. He said something that Bakugou couldn't hear and that made him roll his eyes.

"I can't hear you, dumbass." He reached up to his ear and frowned. "Though, I don't know if I want to." Bakugou replayed the memories involuntarily and cringed. A hand laid on his shoulder and met eyes with his boyfriend.

Kirishima smiled as he held up a dirty hearing aid. The one he lost in the woods. He then held up a the other one that was clean and gave it to him.

     He put it in his ear and the soft beeping sound of the monitor filled his ears and he sighed.

     "How do you feel?" Kirishima asked, concern clouding over his eyes as a soft grateful smile graced his lips. Katsuki couldn't help but mirror that smile.

     "Been better, but at least I'm not dizzy anymore," he chuckled. Kirishima grinned brightly and sat on the edge of the firm bed and placed a hand on his cheek.

     Katsuki didn't even hesitate to lean into the touch, for he had missed it. It made him comfortable and safe and protected, the things he needed to feel right now. He cradle Eijirous hand and kissed his palm. He couldn't help that he was deep in love.

     He looked at Eijirou with relief and happiness. He didn't want him to know what that maniac did to him...yet.

     Katsuki knew Eijrou liked him romantically, but he didn't love him like Katsuki did. So he didn't want Eijirou to know how disgusting he felt.

     "I'm glad you're okay, Katsuki. But I can't help but worry," Kirishima frowned. "Remember back at the café? It was the same dude right?" The blond nodded his head and looked away. "The way you acted in the treehouse afterwards... I'm afraid that will happen again and...I don't want you to feel like that Katsuki. So—if you ever need to talk it out, I'm here, Okay?" Kirishima gave him puppy eyes and Katsuki sighed. He'll tell him later.

     The two talked and the police came and went. His parents visited and everything was okay now.

The police told him Himiko got arrested for 17 counts of murder and was sent to life in prison without parole. That made Katsuki happy, and everyone else as well.

But it was just a facade to trick people and himself.


Okay, I know I posted a lot of chapters in a short amount of time but I publish when I finish writing so if you want me to slow the updates then tell me.

Comment what you think please!! I like y'alls opinions!!

Published October 15 2019
Edited December 15 2022

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