Chapter III

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Distressed screaming was all Kirishima heard at the mouth of a trail. The road was fairly close to a Bakugou's neighborhood, so it makes sense that there's a treehouse owned by him.

Kirishima slowly walked to the ladder that went up into a boxy, and shabby wooden structure supported by a large oak tree. The shouts he heard from the trail are more distinct, and softer now. Despite wanting to wait for Katsuki to come down when he's alright, worry and anxiousness overtook him, and he took two at a time and slammed open the hatch where he found Bakugou in a ball, cowering in the corner. He wouldn't even look up from his knees as he rocked back and forth, whimpering.

Not wasting another second, he jumped onto the floor, closing the hatch as gently and quickly as he could before crawling over to him.

"Bakugou?" he muttered and lightly placed his hand on his shoulder. Katsuki grabbed it as he glared at the intruder with tears in his eyes. But once he realized it was his newfound best friend, he began to sob again. Kirishima pulled him into a hug and held him close to his heart protectively. He never saw Katsuki cry, and he never wanted to ever see it again. This was his vulnerability, and he was showing it to Kiri.

"Fucking damnit..." he choked, making the redheads eyes widened. He never knew he could talk so...normally. He assumed he had a speech impediment or something since he couldn't hear anything. It was a shitty assumption.

But damn, hearing his voice sent shivers down his spine.

Kirishima held onto him even more like if he let go, he would disappear. He didn't want Katsuki to feel pain, only pride and confidence and happiness. He wants him to be his normal self. He wants him to feel normal if possible. And he wanted him to feel protected, especially after that life threatening event earlier today.

     After a few minutes, Bakugou was calm, and still awake which was a surprise since it was known for people to 'pass out' from exhaustion of crying so much.

     "Every time I closed my eyes," Kirishima whispered one of his favorite poems, which made him enjoy just being himself. In that moment, he felt as if Katsuki needed to feel safe and important. As if he needed to be himself.

"I dreamt a world where you were mine~
Even if it wasn't real~
This hope would never die~
Cause I knew~
If I let you go~
I'd forget how to feel~
The very reason I'm Alive~"

     It wasn't a special poem of any kind, and it probably wasn't appropriate for the current circumstances, but he sure as hell felt the lyrics in his heart even though he knew Bakugou couldn't hear them.

"In my heart I've always known~
That one day we'll be out grown~
And my soul would break~
And would have to be sewn~
But I'd rather have that~
Than not having you back~
So I'll continue to ache~
And let my love for you show~"

He continued to sooth Bakugou the best he could and it seemed to work because the next thing you know, they're outside his house.

     Kirishima held Katsuki protectively by his waist and gripped his shoulder to reassure him everything was alright now.

     "I don't need you to be my fucking sitter," Bakugou muttered softly, which made Kirishima chuckle.

     "Well, just an hour ago you were bawling," Kirishima teased, then looked a little panicked when Bakugou looked away dejectedly. "Wait, no! I'm sorry! Don't make that face you'll make me feel guilty!" Eijirou flailed his hands and apologized many times before Katsuki broke out laughing.

     "You're an idiot..." Katsuki cleared his throat before walking up the stairs to his home, leaving Kirishima stunned.

     "W-Wait for me!" Kirishima called after him. Bakugou opened the door and as soon as he did he was tackled by a hug from his father.

     "I'm so glad you're okay Katsuki! You had me and your father so worried!" Mitsuki slapped her son over the head while he glared.

     "Shut up and get off of me!" Katsuki yelled, a tiny blush invading under his eyes. His parents gawked at their sons voice. Masaru started tearing up and so did Mitsuki, who put her hand over her mouth with shock.

     Kirishima was a little surprised by their reactions. He figured they'd be used to it.

     " I going crazy?" Mitsuki asked as she cupped her sons face.

     "Why the fuck would you... oh..." Katsuki's eyes widened as a deep red painted his face. Mitsuki yelped happily as she embraced her son.

     "I thought you went mute after that stupid bombing you little shit!" Another smack.

     "Ow! Let go of me you old hag!" Bakugou pushed her away and stepped to let Kirishima be visible.

     "Oh! Uh, hi? Ummm..." he scratched the back of his neck before Mitsuki yanked him into a bear hug.

     "Thanks Kirishima for look out for my little boy. I hope it wasn't too much trouble." She gave him a heart warming smile as he told how it wasn't a problem. She offered him to stay over but he declined, taking Katsuki's feelings in consideration and allowing him space after what happened at the café.

     He called his friends to see if they were okay, which they were, and told him about Bakugou.

     "Yeah, guess what guys? He talks normally!" Kirishima exclaimed as he flopped on his bed.

     "Explain 'normally'," Mina demanded, hearing Kaminari chuckle a bit.

     "He doesn't have a speech impediment?"  Sero asked.

     "No! He talks just like us! Like a normal person! And the weird thing is, his parents seem very shocked to hear his voice. I think something might've happened to Bakugou..." Kirshima's eye's widened in realization.

     "Do we have the same idea Kiri?" Sero asked.

     "What do you mean?"

     "I don't-"

     "Sero, I think so. Can you come over? It's still light out."

     "Sure. Be there in a sec."

"Wait! What do you guys-"

Kirishima hung up and texted Kaminari and Mina not to come over and that he'll explain everything later. But he needs to talk to Sero in person. In private and not over the phone.

If his gut is right about this, then...

"A bombing? And with his actions at the café and how he handled that guy with the gun and knife...

And that something made him go deaf.

So that must mean that Bakugou wasn't always deaf. The evidence just piles up.

From the café, to Bakugou speaking normally-"

'I thought you went mute after that stupid bombing you little shit!'

Kirishima put his hand over his face in shock.

"Was Bakugou in that mass school bombing two years ago...?"


I'm back and feeling better.
Kirishima being smart for once is just a blessing.

Published September 24 2019
Edited December 2022

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