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thursday, june 7 - friday, june 8

i took a shower before i was going to bed for the night, i spent a lot of time in there, thinking about things that i was contemplating ever since byul got here.

i was in the middle of brushing my teeth and getting ready for bed when byul tells me to come out and see something.

"i'm almost done give me a minute," i say, mouth full of toothpaste.

"hurry!" she says in a playful tone.

"okay okay"

i walk out to a room with an aesthetic glow as soon as you step inside.

around the walls were fairy lights and cute pictures. all kinds of adorable things were spread around the room to make it look cozy all over. there was a fringey carpet laid out on the floor with a bunch of snacks inside of a smaller bag, blankets surrounding the area.

"w-whats all of this?" i said, surprised.

"well since it's my first day meeting you i thought we could bond over netflix and youtube. maybe we have the same interests?" she said with a bright smile.

"this is so pretty i love it! but i feel bad for not helping you set up."

"no, it's okay! you were showering so i thought it was the perfect time actually. is it too much?"

"what? no no this is perfect!" i said.

"okay let's get started then!!" she said as she pulled me onto the floor, turning her laptop onto youtube.

we spent the next hour laughing and enjoying youtubers and music videos. but it got quiet after a while.

"byul? are you still up?" i asked.

"huh? oh yeah, i thought you fell asleep so i was trying to be quiet."


"can i ask you a question and promise not to freak out or anything? i promise i'm not trying to make you feel uncomfortable."

"yeah go for it, i will very unlikely be uncomfortable unless it's like ya know"

"oh no! nothing like that! i was j-just gonna ask w-what your sexuality i-is?" she said, making the words quieter each time she said it.

"oh! uh-"

"i knew it, i made you feel bad i'm so sorry, please don't assume that i- yeah uh never mind," byul said, cutting herself off.

"hey, it's okay, and you didn't make me feel bad. i am perfectly comfortable telling you since you'll be living with me now" i laughed.

"oh thank goodness, i thought i hurt your feelings or something"

"no, you didn't! but i am bisexual," i said, taking a sip of my drink.

"ohh cool! me too"

"HUH," i said, spitting out my soda.

"did i do something wrong? if so i'm so sorry"

"no no you didn't, i was just surprised"

"oh well yeah uh" 

"do you wanna keep watching youtube or do you wanna crash?" byul asked.

"i think i'm gonna go to sleep now, it's been a long ass day and i need rest"

"okayy, uh we're sleeping in the same bed?" she asked.

"yeah, will that be a problem? i can sleep on the floor if you would like."

loving the moon. ⇏  hwabyul ✅Where stories live. Discover now