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friday, july 4

i woke up, as usual, every day, with byul's arms wrapped around me. i've gotten used to it. i lay there, smiling stupidly. i never want this to end. i glanced at the clock and it read 5:30 am. an hour till the alarm on my phone starts going off and we have to get up for school.

byul shifted for a while and then i heard her groan. "don't we have to get up for school?" she asked, sitting up. 

"not for another hour," i said, sitting up as well. 

"oh," she said, getting up from the bed, "well i guess there's no point in going back to sleep, then."

she got up and started getting dressed. "wait, byul?"


"can i pick your outfit today?" i said, getting up and looking through her clothes. 

"only if i can pick yours," she said, making her way up to my side of the closet. 


when we both finished picking each other's outfits, byul was wearing a white silk button-up shirt with ripped jeans and cream high heels. i also added a cute little wallet to her outfit and pearl earrings. 

my outfit was not like something i would wear. ever. my outfit consisted of a plain white shirt with a denim jacket, black jeans, and black heeled boots. she added a black handbag, a bunch of rings, and sunglasses to my outfit. i felt so covered up, it felt weird. 

"how do you like it?" she said as i stepped out of the closet (haha gay joke)

"it feels like something i would not wear but i'm gonna go with it since i have no choice," i said, looking in the mirror.

"very true," byul said as she grabbed her backpack. 

-i don't think i'll write the days at school for them since that's not the main part of the story.-

when byul and i came home, we set our stuff down. "hey, hyejin?"


"do you remember the day we first met, while you were in the shower, i made this whole setup with the lights and snacks and stuff?" 

"yeah, how could i forget?" 

"do you wanna do it again? i still have all of the stuff and the lights are still up. we can run to the store for snacks. are you up for it?" 

"uh, duh," i said, hopping off the bed and getting ready. the thing is though, we would have to drive there. byul is still getting her license. i'll have to drive. i haven't driven a car in a while. i'm always scared something is gonna happen. 

like what happened to my dad. i had to learn though, for emergencies. it still scares me to this day, even when my mom is driving, to be in a car. that's why i walk wherever i go. at least to the limited places i can go. i can do this, though. i am strong. i will win this fear. 

"you have your license?" asked byul.

"well yeah. i haven't actually driven somewhere willingly though. my dad, he uh, passed away in a car accident.." i said, my voice getting quieter with every word i said. 

"oh. well- we don't have to go if you don't want to-"

"no. i want to get over this fear. just, take over the wheel if i go less than 20 miles per hour," i said, laughing.

she giggled, "i'll make sure to do that. even though i'm still LEARNING. sure, i'll take over." 

"let's go, shall we?" 

"we shall." 

we got in the car. i took a deep breath. you can do this, hyejin. nothing is going to happen. you'll be fine. i put the keys into the ignition and started the car. i took one last deep breath and turned the car in reverse, backed out of the driveway, and started driving down the road. 

as i was driving, i kept my mind clear. "are you alright? you don't have to do this if you don't want to, i mean, it was my idea so i should do it," said byul. 

"no. i need to do this. i don't want to be scared anymore." 


we get to the gas station as i put the car in park. wow, i did it. we go inside and start picking snacks in a basket. 

"i'm grabbing whatever can fit in this damn basket," i said as i start picking things, shelf by shelf. 

"do you have enough money for all of that?" 

"obviously. why would i be picking all of this? plus, i'm trying to make it less by reading all of the deals they're having," i said while reading a sign that said 2 for $1. 

"do we really need all of this for one night though?" byul said as she went over to the drinks. 

"don't you want extras? i've been keeping snacks hidden in my room for years."

"wHat and how come i've never found any?" she said, coming back with a couple of drinks, "i also didn't know which one you liked so i just got multiple." 

"okay, i keep my things well hidden for one, and secondly, let's just take all of them."

we went up to the counter and started unloading the full basket of snacks. the total was $42. 

i managed to drive all the way back home without freaking out so that was very relieving. we walked in and made our way up the stairs, eager to start the movie night. 

we immediately got started, setting up the blankets and sorting through the movies and snacks. we put the finishing touches on by turning on the fairy lights. "andddd we are all good," byul said as she popped in the first movie. it was a funny movie. 

we were about 20 minutes in and byul was laughing so hard. her laugh was so adorable. i, for one, was also laughing very hard. whenever i laughed, i felt her head turn to me and stay there for a couple of seconds before she turned back around and continued watching the movie. 

testing my theory, i waited for a funny part in the movie to laugh, keeping watch from the corner of my eye. i laughed, then turned to look towards her. she then looked at me, just as i suspected. 

"AHA! i knew you kept looking at me!" 

"im sorry, you're laugh is just too cute. i really can't help it." 

the ending credits rolled and byul turned the movie off. "do you wanna watch another one?"

"i wanna listen to some music," i said, getting up. i grabbed my phone and put my playlist on shuffle. a slow song came on. just perfect. 

"do you wanna danceeee?" said byul. she got up and pulled me up. we started slow dancing. it was kind of awkward because we didn't know how to dance but we made it work. 

i laughed. "byul, i don't even know how to-" i let out a squeak as she spun me around. 

"how's that?" she said, a big grin on her face. 

"better," i said, laying my head on her shoulder. "shouldn't we go to sleep now, though?" she whispered. 

"yeah, probably," i said, "the song's almost over though, can we finish it?"

"whatever you want, hye," she said, stroking my head. 


what up? the cover changed so that's new. my parents are fighting hahaha. we're fine though, it's not bad. how many parts should i make this book, i have a bunch of ideas, i just don't know how to make them work. thanks for reading babes <3 

~mariza :)

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