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friday, june 8

byul and i made our way down the streets of the beautiful town, glancing through windows filled with alluring outfits and goodies.

"look! look! that's the store i was talking about! it has really pretty stuff inside! let's go let's go!" she said energetically, tugging at my sleeve. 

we go inside and everything was marvelous. byul was right. the whole store was designed perfectly. it looked like somewhere some rich family would go, but surprisingly, the prices were pretty decent. 

we decided to go our separate ways in the store since i wanted a dress and she didn't. i headed over to the dress section and found an amazing silk red dress. i bought that with a few makeup items, a phone case, and a pair of heels.

i headed over to byul's section and her eyes popped up when she saw me in the new dress. 

"wow t-that looks really p-pretty on you- i m-mean youu look really pretty- i mean-" she stuttered while her cheeks turned slightly bright pink.

"thank you," i said blushing fairly as well.

"i still need to try on my outfit. i really don't think it'll look good."

"go go go," i said shoving her into the dressing room. 

a few minutes later, she came out wearing the prettiest thing i've ever seen on her. and i've only known her for 2 days. 

she came out wearing a denim skirt, a white long sleeve top with a light brown coat. "soo what do you think?"

i stared at her for too long not even meaning to and she then frowned. "i knew it. these outfits never suit me."

"NO! NO NO NO! YOU LOOK SO PRETTY!" i said, way too loud. 

"oh my gosh, i thought i looked hideous. maybe i do." 

i took her by the shoulders and shook her. "byul. you. look. pretty."

both our cheeks immediately started to heat up. i let go of her before i did something stupid, knowing me. 

we both walked out of the store with new outfits to wear for the party tonight. it was already 6:30 and we were anxious to get to the party already. 

we walked along the streets some more and picked up something to eat at the house, finally getting home after the long walk.

we opened the front door and went to the kitchen to unpack the delicious food we bought. as soon as we sat down to eat, my mom walked in.

"snacks before the outing?" 

"mom, how did you know we were going out?" i said.

"those outfits in the living room are kind of obvious, aren't they?" my mom said, smirking.

"sorry, i completely forgot to tell you, mom, we'll be home early i promise"

"no it's okay, you girls have your fun, hyejin this is your first time going out since your uh- your father-"

"i know mom." i cut her off so i didn't have to hear the d-word.

i ran upstairs, panicking and leaving my food untouched. oh no, not again. not here. not now. not this again. please please please no.

byul also ran up the stairs, following me. "hyejin what's wrong, what happened?" 

by the time byul got up the stairs i was curled into a ball in my closet. she couldn't find me, but not for long because i was crying. hard.

"hyejin, baby what's wrong?" 

i immediately heated up at the name. "n-nothing i'm fine"

byul found me and opened the door. she wrapped her arms around me for the 3rd time since we've met. she rocked me back and forth and comforted me until i stopped crying and eventually fell asleep. 


i woke up on the bed, byul's arms wrapped around me. i didn't want to move but she felt me stir and immediately sat up. "hyejin, are you okay?"

"i'm okay, it was just one of my stupid episodes. what time is it?'



"i thought you didn't want to go anymore because of what happened. are you still up for it?" 


"okay okay~"

we got to the party around 8:45 because we had to get ready and all but it was worth it to see byul in that outfit again. 

"i'm gonna go get some drinks, do you want some?" 

"let's go upstairs, i got a text message that my friends are up there playing a game." 

"oh, okay. let's go"

we climbed up the staircase into a room that already had a bunch of noise coming from it. everyone looked up and cheered. "HYEJIN!!!" 

the girls pulled me over and asked me, "is that your girlfriend?"

"WHAT. nO." i squeaked. 

"sure. but we're getting you together by the end of the night, no matter what you say." 

"whatever. let's get started!" 

byul sat across from me because that was the only spot left. 

the friends sitting in the circle were dohee, jieun, chanmi, hajoon, minjun, seojun. plus byul and me. 

"alright guys we're gonna play spin the bottle/truth or dare," hajoon said. "but if you don't want to say the truth or do the dare, it's 3 shots"

"whoo let's go!" everyone said. 

"to start off, everyone will have 2 shots." jieun said, filling 8 shot glasses.

"okay let's start" 

i was the first one to spin and it landed on hajoon. "okay hajoon, truth or dare?"

"fuck it. dare"

"i dare you to kiss jieun" i said confidently. "okay," he didn't hesitate. 

before jieun could protest, hajoon put their lips together and gave her a quick peck. "WHAT THE HELL HAJOON," she said, cheeks tinting a shade of red.

everyone laughed and the spins continued. jieun was next. it landed on byul. "okay byul, truth or dare?"


"do you think anyone in this room is beautiful?"


i turned to look at her a soon as she said it. she looked up at me and i turned away. jieun secretly saw this and would use it later. (*cough* foreshadowing *wheeze*) 

hajoon was up next. he landed on me. "well well. it is time for my revenge isn't it?" he laughed. 

"i will beat your ass hajoon" 

"okay okay sorry" he was still laughing. "truth or dare?" 


"i dare you to go over to little byul over there. and give her a kiss."


thank you for reading luvs<3

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