Interviews, Dorothy and Toto

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Dorothy Pov

 Click, clack. Click, Clack. The sound of my heels hitting the cold stone floor filled my ears. I reached down once again to hitch up the red leather boots that were meant to reach just below my knees. I wonder why they didn't put me in my normal red sparkly ones, I suppose they did it to prove I was more than just a girl with dainty red shoes. I was wearing a golden yellow dress that's pattern matched that of the golden brick road. I reached the door where the peacekeepers stood. I gave Toto to one then the door opened. I forced myself to walk step by step onto the stage and try to give the audience an interview they'll never forget.

"Why hello there Ms Dorothy, take a seat, make yourself comfortable." I  sat down in the to soft chair, being in it brought me back to the nightmare with my bed and I shivered. 

"Hi Caesar" I smiled. His blue hair shone like the surface of some other-wordly planet the bright blue obvious against his brown skin. He asked me some pointless questions and I tried to answer confidently. That is until he reaches the last question.

"How do you feel about Toto being in the games?

"Terrible, he has stuck with me through thick and thin and has never once doubted me. I don't know what I'd do without him to brighten up my days." Then it was all over, my mentor said I did well but I didn't really care. I pushed past her to see Toto on the shiny red lead he got to match my boots. They put him on the chair and he sat up straight, just like we practised. Caesar asked him some questions though it was hard to keep the crowd happy when your interviewee didn't respond. It was almost done when Totos' body posture changed. He was going to leap I could tell. The shiny stars on Caesars coat were to hard to resist. He jumped and latched on to Caesars white ruffe. I gasped as the peace keepers grabbed him and stormed off. I watched as a needle was inserted into his side. Was that poison. I run for the door. My fingertip brushes the handle before I am pulled away.

"Toto"I whisper.


Totos Pov 

Woof. Bright red. Walk. Walk. Walk. Jump. Bark. Dorothy give pat. WAit. Dorothy gone? In strangers hands. Nip, nip. Ouch, my head. Dorothy? Bark. Bark. Whine, she not back. Howl. She not back. Down on ground. Leash. Walk, people. Blue person, make strange noises. I look for Dorothy. I see bird! On blue man. I can fly! Got bird, loud noises. White hands grab again. Sharp sting in side. Metal thing in me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2019 ⏰

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