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THEA always loved the summer. The warm weather, the sunny skies, the birds singing in the trees, the dresses.

But that didn't mean she didn't love when summer ended either, because it meant she got to go back to her favourite place in the whole wide world-

-Hogwarts school of witch craft and wizardry.

She was the eptimone of a Hufflepuff. Kind, smiling, dirty blonde curls, friends. A week into the term and the smile had yet to leave her freckled face.

Currently, she stood outside watching the Ravenclaw Quidditch practice. Beside her were her two best friends, Andrea and Sophia. Andrea was a tall, tanned girl with an air of confidence about her.

Sophie was a short (shorter than Thea even) girl with strawberry blonde hair. She tended to mostly copy Andrea's movements and always wore a nasty expression.

The sun was muted, hidden beneath the grey clouds of Scotland that threatend to rain down on them like a broken dam.

"Anyway-" Andrea started, breaking Thea from her thoughts, "Brown asked me out- again. Honestly, he's turning into James Potter, he just can't take a hint! I've told him time, and time again that it's never going to happen!"

"Yeah! You only snogged him last year 'cause it was a dare!" Sophie agreed, "And did you see him just before that? I saw him pick his nose- and then eat it!"

Both Andrea and Sophie let out a series of 'ews' while Thea shifted on her feat uncomfortably. Fourth year, also known as the year of her first 'boyfriend' Regulus Black. They weren't actually together, they just pretended to be because Thea was too kind to say no and Regulus wanted to test how much power he had over the other Slytherins.

Of course, they had also 'broken up' last year, but that didn't stop them from being friends. Every morning before breakfast Thea would meet him up on the old Astronomy tower, and, well, gossip.

Regulus had been there for her when the other girls couldn't. He was there to comfort her when her father fell ill, he was there everytime she and her older brother, Alexavier, argued.

She'd be lost without him.

"Hey- Thea, isn't that your hot cousin?" Andrea asked, snapping the girl from her thoughts.

The girl glanced up, just in time to see Nicholas Abbot (yes indeed her cousin) marching towards her like a bull. He was a Ravenclaw with spruce coloured hair, honestly you would never of guessed they were related.

Maybe him and Andrea, but not Thea.

She quickly began to over think everything she had ever done, wondering what had upset him- until it clicked. She had told his crush he liked her. Damn her and her incessant need to make friends.

She quickly turned around and sprinted away, her friend and cousin yelling after her. But she didn't stop, Nicholas could be quite mean when he was mad.

She ran and ran, running in and out of rooms she had bever seen before, but still he was hot on her tail. They'd also managed to draw the attentions of some of students who joined in the pursuit out of pure nosiness.

Not that Thea would ever say that aloud, it was much too mean.

Honestly, Thea was beginning to wish she had just stayed still and taken it.

Finally, she ran into a crowded, well lit, Herbology storage room with an upstairs. She didn't hesitate to run up them, only stopping when she reached the top to gasp for air.

Somebody cleared their throat.

Dread filled Thea from head to toe, and she begged every diaty up there that Nicholas hadn't somehow got there ahead of her.

She slowly turned around, and was pleasantly surprised to find a Gryffindor boy sitting in the corner of the room by the bay window. With rolled up sleaves showing scarred arms and a mop of sandy brown hair.

"Are- are you lost?" He asked, a small frown on his face, and that was when it clicked.

This was the infamous Remus Lupin.



HIIIIIIII. I can't believe I've already finished rewriting the first chapter of this. It's set a year later than the original, where she and Regulus are already friends.

The boys haven't yet become animangus' since they've only just enteted fifth year, and this time Molly has graduated. But don't worry, I have an idea!

Q: What's your Hogwarts house?

I'm a Ravenclaw, 'Wit beyond measure is a man's greatest pleasure.'

This chapter was dedicated to ALazyLibra

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