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"HARPER, right... don't- are you related to Alexavier Harper? In Slytherin?" Remus asked politely, tilting his head.

"Oh, yes! Yes I am! He's my brother." Thea answered brightly.

The boys eyebrows shot up in surprise, but he had no chance to resound as the door banging open startled them. "Reeeeeeeeeeeemus. Reeeeeemus. Remmykins? Darling? Moonpie? Fwuffy bunny?"

Remus groaned, covering his mouth with his hand as he imagined Sirius' (For that was who it was) discovering him up here. With a girl.

"Yeah-" Another voice from downstairs began. "They were all chasing after this girl, anyway, they couldn't find her but I did manage to figure out she was a blonde Hufflepuff."

"Yeah yeah, well done Pete. REMUS? ARE YA DEAD? CAN I HAVE YOUR STUFF?" Sirius yelled up, cupping his hands over his mouth.

The boy took a deep breath, before hurrying down to face the music. "Why would I be dead, Sirius?" He huffed.

The boys dark eyes visibly lit up upon seeing him. "I dunno. It was the only logical explanation I could think of as to why you wouldn't just simply jump into my arms when hearing my voice."

There was a pregnant pause where all of his friends stared at Sirius dubiously.

"I think it's a very nice voice."

Heads spun to see who the sheepish words belonged to. They only found who they were looking for when she poked her head down. Golden hair cascading down her shoulders. Even though her appearance suited her voice, it still shocked the boys.

"Who are you?" The bespectacled one asked.

"Oh- I'm the girl your friend was telling you about. The one who may or may not have been hiding from her closest friends and family?"

She smiled, dimples appearing on her freckled cheeks.

Peter let out a small, strangled, squeak. Obviously not anticipating being over heard.

The one with glasses let out a low whistle. "Well then Moony," He began in a teasing tone, ignoring Remus protest of the nick name. "Why didn't ya tell us you were hiding a pretty girl up here? If we'd of known-"

"You would've tortured me." Remus grumbled. Flashing Thea an apologetic look. "And it's not what it looks like! I was just helping her out."

"Sure you were, you sly dog you." Sirius joked, bumping his shoulder with him.

"No- gah, I put the disillusionment charm on her-"


"Shut up. I put the charm on her and then that Ravenclaw prefect came up looking for her, he left and then you guys came! That's it!"


"Sooo, Thea, was it?" Sirius asked, sliding an arm over her shoulder. "It's nice to meet you. Tell me, did you know the third best looking guy in the whole school was hiding up here? Or was it fate?"

"Here we go." Remus whispered under his breath.

"Oh, fate I guess?" The blonde answered obliviously, scratching her nose. "I was just running away from Nic when I saw the door open, well, ajar is a better word because it wasn't fully open just a little."

Sirius and James chuckled, Peter managing a smile.

"You're alright, you are." He said, clapping her on the back.

"Would you give us the honour of escorting you to lunch?" James asked, offering her his arm.

"Sounds perfect."


Thea wondered back to her common room, a cheerful smile on her face as she knocked Helga Hufflepuffs tune on the barrels.

Unlike all other house mates, she wasn't greeted with an abundance of smiles and 'how are yous?', just a steely silence as students pointedly ignored her. Luckily, she was far too used to this to be surprised.

She walked over to Andrea and Sophia, who were suspiciously quiet until she sat down. "Hi girls!"

Andrea, as always, was the first to speak. "That's what you're gonna start with after that crap you pulled earlier?"

"Oh, everybody, look at me! Look at me! Watch, because I'm so popular, as everybody chases me around!" Sophia mocked in a stroppy voice, pulling her face as she waved her hands about.

Thea's smile faltered. They're just playing, she told herself. "Guys..? I-I didn't mean to upset you, I just-"

"Wanted everyone to see your knickers as you ran about?" Andrea scoffed. "Right. Whatever. Nighty night filthy Thea."

The blonde visibly winced as the two girls strutted up the stairs, leaving her sitting alone as memories from first year attacked her.

They're just playing.

She firmly reminded herself. She was a big girl now, such little things weren't alowd to make her cry.

Thea quickly stood up and went up stairs after them. Arroyo, a boy with pink hair who had seen the whole thing, shook his head is disbelief. How much had he missed?



Why hello! Ye olde faithfuls. Welcome Arroyo from Drown! Who has actually yet to make his debuet. Whoops.

Clearing things up, Drown is set in sixth year, and this is set in fifth. Just in case anybody was actually confused.

New cover!

First time it's changed since I started re-writing

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First time it's changed since I started re-writing.

Q: What's your favourite Harry Potter spell?

Anaticula (causes your opponents wand to only produce ducks when a spell is attempted.)

This chapter was dedicated to ElenaBoecher122

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