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"MCKINNON. Mckinnon. Mckinnon. Mckinnon. Mckinnon. Mckinnon."

Marlene threw her head back and groaned, "Merlin Sirius! What do you want?"

She turned to see the boy standing there casually, a fist shoved in his pocket and a cocky grin was spread on his defined face. An elbow rested on his leather clad shoulder that belonged to none other than James Potter.

The usaul quartet was missing two of it's other members, the awkward Peter Pettigrew and the lovely Remus Lupin, and according to Marlene and Lily, they were the only worth while boys of the group.

"Oh, the usaul. A weekend in Hawaii with the stunning locals in swim wear, but for now I'll settle for-" Sirius' response was cut off.

"Why on earth didn't you just say bikinis, Black?" Marlene huffed in irritation, tapping her school shoes on the floor impatiently.

"Well... if dudes in bikinis are your thing then I don't judge, though I'd much rather prefer-"

"Oh-" Marlene internally cursed herself. Sirius Black had taken the curtsey last year to stand up on the Gryffindor table at breakfast to announce he was as 'Gay as Queen was awesome.' It didn't really come to a shock to those that knew him, but it certainly sent all his fangirls into a stir.

Sirius laughed at her, muttering something to James that also sent him into a series of loud chuckles, "Anyway," Sirius tried after a good ten minutes of laughter, "James has a sore throat-"

"I couldn't possibly think why." Marlene muttered sarcastically.

"-But he just wanted me to tell you Quidditch practice has been moved up to tomorrow." The boy finished, smiling.

She automatically groaned before holding up her red painted nails, "But I just had my nails done!"

He simply shrugged, "Not my problem. James is captain, not me. I'm just the beater, anyway, cheerio blondie." He gave her a mock salute before sauntering off, James swaggering beside him.

Marlene let out an annoyed shreik before walking away in the opposite direction.


Thea froze, completely blanking out the boys question as she stared at him.

"Oh!" She managed to squeak as Remus asked if she was okay. "I'm fine! Yup! Yip! Fine, except, well, that I should probaly hide because my cousins coming to kill me becauseIToldHisCrushThatSheWasHisCrushPleaseHelp!"

The boy blanked. "I'm sorry, what?"

Thea paced around the room, wincing as the sounds of students feet hitting the stone became louder, "I need to hide, I need to hide, I need to hide!" She muttered frantically.

An image of James doing a similiar thing floated into Remus' head, shortly after the Chaser had accidentally pranked Lily and thrown goo all over her school uniform.

"Hey, uh, stay still for a sec?" He offered hesitantly, raising his wand. Thea did as ask, spinning around to face him with panic in her blue orbs.

The disillusion charm worked quickly, running down her clothes like dripping water.

Thea stared at where her body had been in awe, she was all but invisible, even to herself!

"H-how did you do that? You didn't even say anything! You just waved your wand (which is a very nice wand, is it oak?) And poof! I disappeared! Did you just do-" The rambling girl fell silent as the familiar creaking of a door was heard.

Remus slowly turned his head away from the chatty girl, his eyes still slightly wide. Soon, a dark haired boy with Ravenclaw robes stuck his head up the stairs, his eyes narrowed suspiciously as he looked around.

"You, Marauder, have you seen short, blonde and annoying?" The prefect questioned. Remus swiftly shook his head, forcing a casual expression as the older boy continued to stare suspiciously.

"Ugh, come on Nic she's obviously not here!" Sophia's voice whined. Nicholas rolled his eyes and quickly jumped down and ran out.

Which was just as well because Remus' spell had already quickly begun to fade.

The odd Hufflepuff girl heaved a heavy sigh of relief, "Thank you!" She said, making Remus flush slightly at the loudness, "Thank you thank you thank you thank you! Helga, I really though he was gonna murder me there! Well, of course not literally, nobody would muder there cousin but he just runs so fast. I didn't even see him coming, I was just watching the Quidditch practice and them bam! There he was. I mean, I guess I get why he ran after me, but I really didn't mean to tell his crush about him!"

"Er- right." Remus said slowly, his brows furrowed. He stood up, sliding his homework back into his bag. There goes the quiet. "Are... you okay?" He asked.

She nodded fervently, "Oh, yeah! I just kind of maybe got panicked by all the people chasing after me! They were really curious. Hey, you're Remus Lupin, aren't you?" She added, staring at him.

He shifted uncomfortably, "Yeah. Uhm, I'm sorry but who are you?"

Thea blushed at her rudeness, "Sorry!" She squealed, "I'm Theadora Harper. Hufflepuff. Fifth year, and prefect."



Guys, I was walking my dog and saw this sign saying: Fugglestone, five miles.

Guess we know the name of the village where Thea lives now. Next time I see it I'm taking a picture, I laughed so hard people looked at me like I was nuts.

Anyway! I have an oc Q&A book up, so please check it out and comment down some questions.

Q: Loki or Thor?

Lokkkkkkkkki. They'd just be wrong without him.

This chapter was dedicated to theweepingangel42

Don't forget to vote!

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