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"TELL them."


"I'm being s- I mean it, Thea. Tell them."

The blonde sighed heavily, pouting at her best friend. Regulus' adamant expression didn't waver.

"There's nothing to tell them." She insisted quietly.

He scoffed, "That's ridiculous. Those foul house mates of yours could use a little of my brother boisterous antics."

She laughed slightly, scrunching her freckled, button nose. "They aren't boisterous. They're just confident in their ability to make people smile."

He rolled his eyes, "Sure. Whatever you say."

He leaned back on his fore-arm's, gazing off into the disrance. "I'm going to tell you something," He said suddenly. "But you can't over react."

"Okay," She said slowly, "What's wrong?"

"I believe I have..." He paused, hesitating as he searched for the right word. "What you would call... a crush."

The squeal of happiness that left Thea's throat sounded inhuman, it reached such a high pitch that Regulus heard dogs bark in the distance. He grimaced, "No over reacting." He reminded her.

"This is me under reacting!" Thea gasped, "Since when did you have a crush? Who? Where? Why? When?"

He stood up, "Nope. Overreacting. I'm not going to tell you anything."

"Regulus!" She begged, standing up too. "I'm just curious."

"So was Alice." He scolded, "And she fell down a rabbit whole, ruined her dress, blew off her engagement and embarrassed her entire family."

Thea furrowed her brows. "I don't think that's the moral of the story," She admitted.

"Well it's the moral I got." Huffed the Slytherin. "Curiosity is bad."


"Good morning!"

The four Gryffindor boys, correction, the four exhausted Gryffindor boys gave meek smiles to their Hufflepuff friend.

Last night they had finally done the impossible. They had become animangus. All except for Remus, of course. Who had been in the shrieking shack turning into a werewolf.

Surprisingly, while that had drained them, it wasn't what left the boys in their current state of exhaustion.

It was the hours after they spent trying to come up with nicknames for each other.

With only the nick name Moony under their belt, and neither happy with it, you could say they were quite grumpy.

Thea sat down, oblivious to their droopy eyes. She set about grabbing a nice potato salad. "James," She said, spying a utensil within his reach. "Can you pass the prongs?"

"Sure." He muttered, handing her the silver fork, barrly even blinking.

"Thank you!" She chirped, humming to herself as she fished some lettuce out. "Prongs is a weird word." She muttered to herself out loud.

Peter jumped, forgetting he would be able to hear such things now, as did Sirius. Remus, however, simply leaned his chin on his hand sleepily and watched her.

"I'm pretty sure it refers to a stag somehow, too. Maybe their antlers or something." Thea continued absent-mindedly.

This grabbed James' attention. He quickly pulled up his glasses and rubbed his eyes. "What did you just say?"

"Prongs, I think they also refer to a stag somehow." Thea happily explained. "I think it's about their antlers, but I'm not sure." She began to giggle suddenly, "You know, I used to think deers had padded feet and dogs had hooves... it take me forever to realise that canines are the ones with the padfoot!"

"Padfoot..." Sirius repeated under his breath with a murmur.

"That's... interesting." Remus said, sitting up.

Thea blushed as she noticed Remus's shirt ride. She cleared her throat. "R-right... yeah. Um, my-"

"Thea!" A high pitched voice suddenly hissed.

Each Marauder winced at the tone, knowing their was only one person on earth like it. They collectively eyed Andrea and Sophia distrustfully. Thea froze and quickly pushed away her breakfast that she never got to taste and stood.


"What the hell are you doing?" Andrea whispered in your ear, taking a painful grip on Thea's arm and leading her out the great hall. "We were waiting for you!"


"But you said you had a breakfast date this morning." Thea muttered awkwardly. "With your fiance."

"Oh yeah sure, rub it in my face!" Andrea snapped at her once they were safely out side the doors.

"I'm sorry." Thea apologised quickly. "I didn't realise."

"I didn't realise." Sophia mocked behind her back.

Andrea rolled her eyes. "Thea, sweetie, with whatever brain cells you have left in that gigantic forehead of yours use them to listen to me, okay? I stick my neck out every day being seen with you. At any minute someone could slip the truth to the whole school and my reputation would be ruined. Or better yet, slip it to those little Gryffindor pals of yours."

Thea bowed her head, biting her bottom lip.

"Exactly." Andrea said, noting her movement with a triumphant grin. "Hmph, just when I thought you couldn't get any worse then last year when you dated Regulus Black, practically ditching us, you're best friends. Now you're swapping us out with a creepy love sick bone head quidditch player, a pureblood reject, one of the seven dwarves and Frankensteins monster?"

Thea felt as though she had been punched in the heart. Frankensteins monster? Pureblood reject?

"Not to mention you yourself, a chatter mouth yellow chicken that has the same IQ as a brick." Andrea continued.

Tears sprung to Thea's eyes, yet all she said was- "Please don't call my friends that. That's a terrible observation of them, they come from situations you know nothing about."

"Oh yeah cause they trust you enough to tell them." Sophie sneered. "Come on, we're late for transfiguration."

James took the liberty of pulling the cloak of invisiblity off of him and the boys, they all glared after the Hufflepuff girls.

"What a b-" Sirius began to curse, his eyes in slits.

Remus cut him off quietly, "Why is she friends with them?" He questioned, not for the first time. "They bully her."

"Ding ding ding!" James grumbled, "You just answered your own question, Moony. Because they bully her into thinking no one else likes her."

"That doesn't make any sense." Remus said, glancing at him. "Why would they do that? They clearly can't stand her."

"Does it matter?" Sirius hissed in irritation, "Their bullies! And we need to get Thea away from them."

"Guys," Peter spoke up. "What was 'the truth' Andrea was talking about?"

The group shared glances at each other. "It's probaly nothing," James reassured, "Just something those two made up to scare her."

Remus, however, wasn't so sure.



17 days late! I am so sorry.

Q: What's love, but a second hand emotion!

No, hang on, here's the real one.

Q: If you could only save one person in the HP universe, who would it be?

There's no competition it's Sirius fight me you lil-

This chapter was dedicated to Supernatural

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