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FOUR hours, that's how long Andrea had forced Thea and Sophia to listen to her ranting.

Her father, a controlling and violent man had sent a letter to all his children. Including Andrea and her 'perfect' brother Austin in Slytherin, and Hayley in Ravenclaw.

It wasn't that Andrea was the hated child of her family, no, that title belonged to Hayley. But she wasn't exactly the best like Austin either. She was just kind of there, she was just ignored.

So when she gets a letter from her father telling her he had the perfect arranged marrige lined up for her when she grauates, it was natural to be pissed. But not at her father.

At her older sister.

The marrige Andrea was being forced into was originally meant for Hayley. But their father deemed her unworthy, inpure even. And only Thea seemed to care about why.

Thea had two siblings also, a brother called Alexavier in the same year and house as Austin, and a nine year old sister called Elizabeth. Recently, Hayley and Alexavier had starting dating.

Thea, of course, was over the moon. But purebloods like Andrea Vane and het family? Not so much. You see, the Harpers were half-bloods. Or rather, half-breeds.

Back in the early nineteen hundreds the Harper's were pureblooded, but an incident happend that disgraced the family name, forcing them to 'mingle' in the muggle world for a while, where Thea's grandfather fell in love with one.

It was that very incident that made the collective of the Hufflepuff hate Thea when they found out.

But, loyal to a fault, they kept the secret within Hufflepuff walls. Even the kindest of Hufflepuffs couldn't forgive what Thea's ancestor had done.

She walked to potions class in fairly high spirits (as always), before she could take a seat, however, Slughorn made an announcement.

"I'll be putting you into groups of three's for today's assignment, thanks to your defence against the dark arts professor, professor Winnie', new bonding regime. When I call your name, I want you to move to your assigned desk."

Names were called and Thea watched as James Potter got paired with Sophia and Marlene McKinnon, Sirius Black with Alice Fortescue and Fabian Prewett, Peter Pettigrew with Andrea and Gideon Prewett.

Lastly, it was - "Remus Lupin, Arroyo Smith, Theadora Harper."

Remus was fairly quiet as he moved to their shared table, Arroyo, however, was anything but. The Hufflepuff Thea saw around the common room with bubblegum pink hair quickly began to speak.

"Well! Isn't it just my lucky day. The girl I've always wanted to talk to, and the boy who's the only, and I mean only one, that beats my herbology grade. What do you have to say for yourself young man!?"

Arroyo's hand on his hips and tapping foot as his short finger loomed over their shoulder reminded Remus uncannily of Sirius.

"Uh- I'm sorry..?" He muttered uncertaintly.

The boys brown eye's caught James' confused one's and he shrugged helplessly.

"I'm sure he didn't mean to offend you," Thea said kindly. "You're both really good at it. Personally I don't have much of a green thumb."

Remus glanced between the two with a clear expression of confusion. Was this sarcasm? He had never seen Arroyo around before, and Thea was already a mystery. His eyebrows creased as he attempted to figure out his class mates.

First of all. Arroyo Smith? For someone to have such a... interesting first name, that last one sure sounded fake.

Dyed hair wasn't aloud in school, unless it was a spell gone wrong. But Slughorn had made no mention of it, so Remus had to assume it was natural. Which was impossible, surely.

Then there was Thea. Why couldn't he figure her out? Blonde, bubbly, Hufflepuff. But why did he constantly feel like he was missing something with her?

Her friends, Andrea and Sophia, were two of the foulest (and that was being nice) girls he had ever met.

And so very cleary fake and after one thing.

Even James knew it.

But Thea was one of the most genuine people he knew. And kind. And accepting. And humble. So why did she hang around the likes of them? And why, when she sat down for breakfast every morning, wasn't she greeted with an abundance of 'Hellos' and 'how are yous?'

But his two desk mates were seemingly oblivious to his dilemma as they chatted, Thea offering him her text book while he made a suggestive joke about one of the ingredients, making her flush.

Ah, there was one more thing Remus forgot to add to his list of 'Everything you need to know about Theadora Harper'.

She was gorgeous.

Freckles splattered over the bridge of her button like nose. Un-tame-able blonde curls that hung over her Hufflepuff pride head band, eyes so bright and blue they reminded him of the sky. Deeper then they let on.

The way she covered her mouth when she giggled, how her eyes seem to squint with her permant smile.

"Yeah, keep staring mate, cause that's gonna win her over." Sirius Black muttered to his friends, leaning back on his chairs hind legs.

Remus only rolled his eyes as the sound of Sirius tipping too far and crashing to the ground echoed loudly in the dungeon, Thea being one of the first to rush and help while James pointed and laughed.

A frown tugged at his lips as he peered down at the scars on his hand. They were everywhere. Deep and painful.

As were the one's that littered his face.

He never wanted anyone to feel how he felt. Hell, he didn't want to know he felt.

So the notion that Remus would attempt to 'woo' anybody was laughable. Why would he willing put people in danger? Where he could possibly scar them with the curse he bore.

No. Remus would remain alone, for the safety of others. Never would he ever scratch, bite or harm anyone, even his worst enemies, in werewolf state.

He caught Arroyo staring at his hands too, and quickly hid them.

The bubblegum pink haired boy didn't look at all embarrassed to be caught. Instead his smiled softly. He leaned across the table to the Gryffindor-

"It's okay." He whispered. "I know what it's like to what to just shed your skin and jump into somebody elses. To view yourself as a monster. And I have to say, you're doing remarkable. For instance I know this Ravenclaw-"

But he never finished that sentence as Thea sat down again, pushing her abundance of curls out of her face.

Who knew Hufflepuffs could be such mysteries?




I'm actually really proud of this chapter, despite it being several days late and me struggling to keep my eyes open.

So, if you didn't know yet, new book up! Fair Maiden set in the Marauders era.

And an original one! (Cliche but original)

Skinny Love, a GxG story.

Q: who's cuter, baby Groot or baby Yoda?

I gotta remain loyal and say Groot. How can you not love him.

This chapter was dedicated to Velocirapters
(Idk how that's spelt)
((I really wish that was my pratonous))

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