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"HELLO Thea,"

Remus leaned as casually as he could against a library arch way. His hands shoved in his pocket as he watched the petite blonde jump at the sound of his voice.

It was Hogsmeade again, Thea had plans to join Lily and Severus like last time, which had once again left James and Sirius in a bad mood.

Remus' curiosity had finally reached it's limit. He felt an unquenchable need to figure Thea out, but by no means could he just flat out ask her. No, see, despite what most people thought, Remus was quite prideful, not quite as much as Sirius and James, bit still.

Theadora smiled at him brightly, clutching her potions books to her chest. Remus' eyes narrowed on them, knowing very well the type of dark magic they contained, how they weren't in the restricted section he didn't know.

"What are you doing with them?" He asked, raising a brow.

She glanced down at them, blushing in embarrassment. "My friend asked me to pick them up. He was busy last night and slept in, he won't tell me where he went but personally I think he went to see the girl he's been talking about lately." Thea rambled.

A friend. That was male? From what Remus had seen of her, Thea's only friends were Andrea and Sophia. Well, unless you counted he and the marauders of course. But that didn't make much sense either. He knew for a fact none of the boys would go ten feet within these types of books.

"What friend?" He asked, trying to be as casual as possible.

Her face heated up until it was as red as Remus' Gryffindor tie. "Well, um..." She stuttered, avoiding his eye. "I guess, technically, he's my... ex boyfriend."

His brown eyes widend. Ex boyfriend? She had an ex boyfriend? Remus wasn't quite sure why the idea seemed so ludicrous to him. Maybe it was because they were only fifteen.

"Oh, sorry." He said, before it hit him. Why was she running chores for her ex? Why did she know about the girls he liked? "Maybe I know him, what's his name?"

She let out an inaudible squeak, looking as though she wanted to take off running. She didn't. She took in a deep breath, and whispered- "Regulus Black."

Had someone just punched Remus in the gut? It felt like somebody punched Remus in the gut. "You went out with Regulus Black!?" He repeated incredulously, imaging Sirius' reaction if he ever found out.

"Yes? But wait- it's not like what you think!" She said quickly, "Last year my dad fell ill, and I used to go up to this tower on the north side to clear my head. Regulus found me up there one day and was really nice! He consoled me and brought me food-"

If Thea was trying to make this sound better she was failing. Hearing that Regulus was, in any shape or form, nice... it made Remus' stomach churn. However, he refused to let this show.

Instead he chuckled, "It's fine Thea." He reassured her, his voice dipping low. "I'll let you get off to Hogsmeade now."

He turned and left, unaware of the butter fly like feeling he'd left in Thea's chest.


Thea had come to the conclusion she had a crush. A undeniable, crush. On Remus John Lupin.

She loved his wholesome brown eyes that reminded her of honey. She loved the knowing twinkle that lived in them. She loved the soft smile of reassurance that never left him. She loved the frown that would appear whenever he was trying to figure something out.

Holy crap she was screwed.

Lily and Severus seemed to notice something was off with Thea the moment they met up, they wondered what on earth had the bubbly and upbeat Hufflepuff in such a daze.

"Are you okay?" Lily asked, her eyebrows crinkled with worry.

"Uh- yeah, yeah fine." Thea rambled, blushing. "Just- um- Remusisreallycute."

"What?" Severus asked, his face drawing a blank.

"Did you just say Remus is cute?" Lily gasped. "As in Remus John Lupin? James Potter the arrogant toe rags best friend?"

Thea his her face in the mug of butter beer. "Maybe."

"Well isn't that an upgrade?" A voice said loudly, a pair of hands slamming down in the table. Thea screeched in fright. Thankfully, it was just Sirius.

"What the hell, Black!?" Lily hissed, glaring at him.

He raised a hand to silence her. "Not today red." He said stubbornly. "Not today. Thea, I have a question. And I'm hoping to god the answer is no."

She tilted her head to stare at him, her big blue eyes innocently curious. "What's wrong?"

He sucked in a deep breath. "Did. You. Seriously. Date. My. Little. Slytherin. Brother. Regulus?"

She chewed her bottom lip nervously, trying to ignore Lily and Severus' incredulous expressions. "Maybe." She repeated in a small voice. "Yes."

Sirius slamned his face down onto the table- bringing it back up a second later. "What is wrong with you!? You went out with Regulus of all people!? Is your ability to judge people really that bad!?"

"Sirius!" Lily scolded.

"It's fine." Thea muttered quietly, her head bowed as she seemed to fold into herself. Now Sirius hated her. She probaly deserved it. "I'm sorry."

"I'm just trying to look out for you here," He ranted on, oblivious to Thea's sinking feeling. "How can you not tell that the people you hang around- minus Lily of course- are- well- pure evil!"

She flinched.

Pure evil. She had heard those words so much over the years. So many nights spent crying over those two words. She bit her lip in order to stop the tears from falling. It wasn't Sirius' fault. He didn't know.

"Excuse me." She squeaked, sliding out of the booth and hurrying off. She heard Lily call after her but she didn't turn around.

She hurriedly brushed the hair off her cheeks. She headef towards the little Astronomy tower, hoping to find Regulus there. He was, after all, her best friend.

She whispered an apology as she nudged someone's arm in her hurry. The Ravenclaw turned and watched her go, her sharp cheek bones and mocha coloured skin curiously expressionless. Her braids were impossibly tights, even as she spun around to continue to Hogsmeade.

Tova Dallas had no time for minor fate names.



IM SO SORRY. I genuinely thought I published this a week ago!

Q: favourite Avenger?

Also how great is this!? Any protests to me adding Destiel gifs to each chapter?

No? Okay good.

This chapter was dedicated to the pizza man

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This chapter was dedicated to the pizza man

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