Tennis Match

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Jungkook took a break to go to the bathroom outside.  Although a little lost, the younger managed to figure out the way.

Hurriedly, the boy looked for a stall, knowing that Taehyung was waiting for him outside.  Little did he realize, there was a young woman using the bathroom sink...

The moment they both realized, they cursed at the same time.

"I'm so sorry!" Jungkook and the woman yelped at the same time before Jungkook realized....  "Wait a minute, this is the boy's bathroom."

The woman blushed, embarrassed.  As Jungkook adjusted to the situation, he found it surprising that she made the clumsy mistake.  At a closer look, he could see that the woman was kinda cute.  She wore a short miniskirt and a tank top as her tennis outfit.  Though, her makeup seemed a little rushed, her blond hair messily tied to a bun.  "Ughh... fuck my clumsy brain.  I was in a hurry." She packed her makeup bag quickly, yet she dropped a few things here and there.

Jungkook chuckled, automatically helping her out.  "Oh!  It's okay.  For a second I thought I was in the women's bathroom."  The boy admitted, hopefully making her feel less embarrassed.

"Thanks..." The girl kept her head low as they both picked up her dropped brushes and lipstick.

"No problem." Jungkook noticed a familiar keychain on her bag.  "Hang on.  You go to this school too?" The boy pointed at her keychain, realizing it was his college logo.

"Used to." Her eyes lit up.  "Wait, you're from there too?"

"In the past as well." Jungkook piped up, excited.  "I'm from the class of last year!"

"Oh!  Well that makes me your 5 years older noona."  The girl chuckled.  "Perhaps that's why I've never seen your face before."

Jungkook giggled, shrugging.  "Perhaps, yeah."

"Name's Taneeya, by the way."  The girl introduced herself with a smile holding out a hand.

"Jungkook." The boy returned, shaking her hand.

"Well, it's a pleasure meeting you, Jungkook." Taneeya eyed sweetly at Jungkook, waving.

"You too!" Jungkook let the girl pass by to the exit.


"What took you so long?" Taehyung complained as Jungkook hurried to the tennis court.

"Nothing to your interest." Jungkook replied curtly as Taehyung handed him the tennis racket.

"Alright." Taehyung shrugged it off as the older continued to teach Jungkook how to serve.  "Gently toss the ball upwards, like this- no, that's not how you serve, Jungkook.  You don't simply yeet a ball in the air and hope for the best."

Jungkook groaned, starting to feel annoyed. "Seriously, Tae.  Why are you teaching me how to play tennis?"

"We're playing a double match against my sister and her boyfriend." Taehyung answered, quickly practicing a serve himself.  Which, Jungkook admitted, was flawless.

"What?"  Jungkook stuttered, questions in his head, "Why didn't you tell me we were playing against your sister?  Also, out of all the people you could've called, why am I the one partnering with you?  I don't even know how to play-"

"SHHH-  She's coming." Taehyung hushed, motioning at a couple coming by.  "Hello, sister."  

"Greetings, brother." The girl responded, barely smiling.  

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