Day 7

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"The hero is BACK!" America yells.

"Hey, where is everyone?"

"The countries are gone and Wyatt when drinking because of that. Also big bro and Aaron." Camelia says, coming out of nowhere.

"Oh, okay."

"Where the bloody hell were you?!" Victoria yells, also coming out of nowhere.

"Hey, Vic! I just hung out with the Mexicos. Anyway, how were the countries?"

"Decent." Wyatt says, with a bottle of beer, as well as, coming out of nowhere.

"YeAh, tHeY wEre fiNe." Texas says, drunk.

Texas then falls on his face while hiccuping.

"I'lL dEal wiTh TrAviS, dOn't woRRy." Aaron says, also drunk.

Aaron then fall flat on his face too, hiccuping and all.

"I'll deal with them." Camelia says.

Camelia took Tex and took Aaron.

"Well then..." America says.

"Dad, this is what happens when you leave for a week. With other people in the house. That we don't know." Victoria says.

"And don't ever do that again." Wyatt says.

"Okay, okay. Wyatt don't worry, that won't happen again."

"It better not."

Wyatt walks away, most likely to his room.

"Dad, don't make England come over, again." Madeline says bluntly, coming out of nowhere, Diana following her.

"Oh, come on! He wasn't that bad!" Haiku says, obviously, coming out of nowhere.

"Whatever! We just don't like him, still." Madeline says.

"Well, we think he's decent now." Diana says.

"Also, you're just defending him, because you like him! So, your opinion, doesn't matter to me." Madeline says.

"Bloody hell, could you not act like Oliver and Michelle right now?" Victoria asks.


"Haiku, how was your time here?" America asks.

"Okay, Japan was nice. So were the other countries."

"That's good."

"Vic, did Oliver and Michelle wreck everything?"

"Not everything, just most things..."

And just as she says that, gunshots and things breaking can be heard. All the states downstairs, go upstairs to see WWE match.

Victoria starts yelling, some more things break, and the two demon children start running down the stairs.

~~~~~~~Time Skip To Night~~~~~~~

"I hoped that they would act a little bit better after the countries' trip here." America mumbles to himself.

"Oh well, I guess they're too, well, them, or something like that."

After a pause, he continues talking to himself.

"Hopefully the countries didn't get hurt."

"Or the states for that matter."

America chuckles.

"Yeah, right. They were probably scared of the states."

America then yawns, and drifts into a sleep.

~~~~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~~~~
The states return to their, well, states.

They say 'Bye.' to their dad leave.

America then starts to get dressed, to get new furniture, because his demon children broke everything.

And I suppose that would be the end of this story, would it?

And that was the end of The 52 Problems Of America.

Hopefully, you enjoyed this story, and if you did, don't worry, there will be more of The 52 Problems in the future.

Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful day and evening!

Thank you for reading this dumb and cringe worthy fanfic for the last time (unless you're re-reading it)!

And, Adiós Bellas!

Here's a hug for you for reading this, btw...

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