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 Rikka's POV

I was walking home from school. When all of the sudden, I hear a familiar voice...


Mana!   I thought with a chuckle.

I stopped and turned around and to see her behind me.

Mana( out of breath): Hi!

Me: Konnichiwa Mana!

Mana: Rikka I erm  need to tell you something...

Me: Yeah? My ears are yours then!

Mana: Since we were 10 I- I started to have f-feelings for you and....

Me: Hmmmm?

Mana: I'd like to ask you if we could.....

Me: I'm listening....

Mana: If we could date......

I blush as she said that but a smile slowly crept up my face

Me: To me honest I like you too... so yes w-we can date!

Mana looked at me in awe while leaning towards my face.

But I knew what was she going to do...

Before she did (you know what) I put my finger on her lips.

Me: Sorry but I don't I'm ready to waste my first kiss...yet  

I said as I winked. Mana nodded her head in agreement, kissed me on the cheek and waved me goodbye.

That was my first relationship.

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