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"Time and again I asked you if there were anything I needed to know and time and again you denied it!"

"Because you didn't need to know that!" Alex cried

"I didn't need to know that my daughter is not mine?!" Brian yelled, his tears steadily falling.

"She is yours! You are the only father she's ever known!"


"I didn't mean-"

"I love that kid; she's been my whole life since the day she was born. MY baby, MY little girl, MINE!" unable to stand, he perched himself on the arm of the sofa and looked up at her. "How could you do this to me Al? And with him, my best friend?"

"Brian, it's not what you think, please just let me explain!" she begged

"Is El her father?"


"IS EL HER FATHER?!" he demanded, she hung her head and through her sobs...

"Yes, but-"

"Then there is nothing else you need to say to me!" he seethed as he got up and walked away, turning to look at her when he got to the base of the stairs.

"I'm gonna go upstairs and see my boys...are they even mine?" the minute the words came from his mouth he regretted them. He'd wounded her immensely and he could see it on her face as a barrage of new tears flooded her cheeks.

"Is that what you think of me?" she asked in a small voice. He turned away from her as a pitiful sob tore from her throat. She was too hurt to say another word and instead, grabbed her purse and ran out of the apartment in tears. As much as he wanted to, Brian didn't try to stop her, and dragged himself up the stairs to the nursery.



Moments later, as she got into a cab, Alex was on her phone trying to call Casey...

"Al, are you ok?" Casey asked the moment she picked up.

"Where are you?" Alex sobbed.

"Home, but..."

"I'm on my way!"

"Al-" Casey had tried to warn her that Olivia was there and that she knew, but Alex had already ended the call. Casey tossed her phone onto the couch and looked at Olivia.

"She's on her way here isn't she?" Olivia asked. Casey just nodded.

"What do you wanna do?"

"Wanna do or need to do?" Olivia answered with her own question.



Trevor, having finished a video conference with the firm partners in Chicago, had changed out of his suit and was enjoying a beer with Travis who had just gotten there.

"To say that this has been a strange day would be the understatement of the century!"

"Do I wanna know?" Travis asked

"No...not that it's even my place to tell any of it. We went to a will reading and all hell broke loose!"

"Whose will?"

"Stabler's wife...don't ask!"

"Not gonna! How about we go to the Celtic Cross, shoot some pool and watch the game?" Travis suggested.

Tangled Webs - An SVU ficWhere stories live. Discover now