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"The police are here going over the surveillance footage" The dean of students informed Brian as they made their way into her office "I am so sorry Mr. Cassidy!"

"I don't want apologies, I want you to tell me how the hell my daughter disappeared and find her!"

"We're doing everything we c-"

"IT'S NOT ENOUGH!" he yelled "If anything happens to my..." just then, there was a knock at the door an in walked Fin. Brian immediately turned his attention.

"Anything?" he asked in an almost pleading tone

"We're doin everything we can" Fin assured him "but since nobody is sure exactly how long she had been gone before they noticed..." Brian took a deep, nervous breath to calm the nausea that was raging in his stomach.

"Dean Howard, are there cameras on the playground as well?" Fin asked

"There are but I'm afraid they aren't of any use, all of the outside cameras are being replaced this week. We're upgrading to a high definition system." The dean informed them.

"So what you're telling me is that my little girl is out there...somewhere with god knows who, for god knows how long and anything could be happening to her right now!" He couldn't hold back his tears.

"Man try to stay calm" Fin advised

"Calm? Fin, man we've both worked SVU; you've been there 14 years...you know what goes down with these cases"

"And I also know that these first few hours are the most crucial so let's focus on finding her!"

"Her watch!" Brian exclaimed, suddenly remembering.

"What about a watch?" Nick asked as he entered the office

"I had a watch made for her with a GPS tracker, it's all pink and sparkly so no one would suspect what it is." Brian explained.

"Good call, let's track her" Fin Said

"We didn't wanna draw attention to it with a constantly flashing light..."

"So she needs to turn it on..." Nick said, finishing Brian's thought, the sliver of hope that had showed its face now quickly retreating while the three men stood, neither wanting to voice the one thing they were all thinking - what if she can't?



Again he sat drinking, drowning his sorrows in a bottle.

"Was she actually pregnant?" was the first question he'd asked the M.E. upon arriving

"Twelve weeks" he felt as if he'd been gut punched even worse than he had at the will reading when Mairym had informed him about the baby.

"Stupid, useless piece of shit!" he murmured before raising the glass to his lips. He took a hearty gulp and lowered it when his cell phone began ringing. He'd bought a burner to conduct private business and eagerly picked it up and answered.


"The package is secured"

"I need it in perfect condition"

Don't worry, I'm handling with extreme care!"

"Good, I'll be in touch." Elliot said

"Make it soon huh? I'm not too comfortable with this kind of cargo!" the man said and ended the call. Elliot sat back in his chair smiling smugly to himself; his plan was perfect. Have someone snatch Winnie and stash her, then when the time was right, he would take her out of the country to the place he'd prepared for them. Those idiots would be none the wiser and since he was always travelling for business, no one would think anything of him coming and going so often. But it wouldn't be for long; he'd just need to stick around long enough to get his hands on Olivia and take her to their special place to join Winnie and then the three of them would be a family...the three of them until the babies started coming. He wanted a bunch of them and had decided that as soon as he'd gotten Olivia to their new home, getting her pregnant would be first on the agenda. Yes, once he had them, he could just disappear for good and no one would ever find them.

Tangled Webs - An SVU ficWhere stories live. Discover now