Chapter 6

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Zelda kneeled in the desecrated church in quiet reflection, her heart and mind concentrated on her Queen and what she could possibly do with her coven.

"Please, Lilith, I need answers," she breathed in exasperation as she clutched her thighs, her nails digging in to the soft flesh Lilith had once so loved to torture and tease. She thought, perhaps, if she brought herself to the brink of exquisite temptation it would entice Lilith out of the shadows. She was a carnal demon, lustful of women much more so than men, and she loved to be in control. No, she didn't love it; she outright commanded it. It was what had gotten her thrown out of the garden of Eden and cast out of the great savior's favor in the first place. Lilith would be bottom to no one, man, woman, or spirit alike.

"Answers, my love?"

Zelda heard her gentle voice, so unlike the rich, dark tenor of Mary Wardwell's, but dared not look behind her. She would stay bent and reverent, ready to kiss the feet of her queen if she so demanded it. Zelda heard the soft pad of Lilith's bare feet upon the stone ground; it felt foreign to her. Her Lilith would be clad in spike stilettos, clicking confidently all the way down the unholy aisle.

The candles burning at the altar cast a wicked glow against the ancient stone walls, the shadow of the petite woman dancing as she moved nearer her high priestess. Lilith was clad in all black; a long, flowing gown befitting the mother demons and the Queen of Hell. Her hair, no longer perfectly coiffed and raven hued, fell down her back in deep brown ringlets, wild and loose. Zelda stole a glance at her but quickly stared back down at the floor, her heart sinking at the sight of this perfect stranger. And she was perfect.

"Zelda, my love," Lilith murmured as she joined her priestess on the floor, moving instead to comfort the redhead rather than have her worship at her feet. Lilith took her in her arms, forcing Zelda to rest her head upon her bosom, "my darling. I know you're tired. I know you're... confused."

Zelda felt instantly at ease in the embrace of her lover. The body was different, but not the soul. If she closed her eyes she could feel the essence of Lilith, as familiar as Mary. There was no telling them apart; the two had become one in the same for Zelda.

"My queen, what am I to do with this coven? I must lead them into the worship of.... something. Of you? I would like it to be you..." Zelda whispered with all the innocence and hope of a child, keeping her head firmly pressed against Lilith's body, wrapping her arms as tightly around her as she could manage. She wanted to kiss her, to make love to her. Somehow, that didn't feel quite right.

"I've brought you something..." Lilith smiled as she kissed the top of Zelda's head, more as a lover than as her ever loving queen, "but you'll have to release me for me to show you."

Zelda felt obstinate and defiant. "Then I don't want it," she mumbled as she tangled her hands in Lilith's hair, the temptation to kiss her growing stronger despite her initial reservations.

Lilith backed away from her, forcing Zelda to release her. Gently, she reminded the woman of where they were. "Not here, my love. But soon, I promise you."

Zelda felt the absolute ache in her body as Lilith moved, an absence she wasn't sure she could bear. "When? Lilith I'm not.... I miss..." she thought better of finishing the sentence, remembering first and foremost her duty as high priestess of the church of Lilith.

"I know, my pet," Lilith smirked, "I've not forgotten you, Zelda. Have you not... felt me? Have you not seen a flash or two of me in the eyes of your new friend, Principal Wardwell?"

Zelda tried to hide the smile threatening to crack, but she couldn't help it. "I thought you were angry with've been toying with me just to get your kicks all this time. Honestly Lilith I-"

"Now now," Lilith chided, flipping her hair behind her ear and raising an eyebrow. Zelda could see her then, in that moment. She could see her precious Mary and understand why Lilith chose her. They were so, so alike. Perhaps linked years back; or maybe Mary wasn't quite as mortal as she'd like to think.... but there was a reason. It was not coincidence. "I'm not saying you should go running into that mortal's arms once more.... but I have my ways Zelda Spellman, and I will never, ever, ever leave your side."

Lilith moved dangerously close to the witch, running one hand along her waist and down her thigh, "you are mine, Zelda Spellman, and so is Mary Wardwell. She helped me claim hell, and you will help me run it."

Zelda saw the flash of danger in her eyes and felt it in the pit of her stomach. She loved Lilith, but more than that, she wanted to worship Lilith. The air thick between them, Zelda stared, unblinking, into her eyes, daring her to make a move.

Finally, when Lilith felt as though she couldn't breathe, she stepped away from Zelda in favor of a small, brown bag. "I come bearing gifts, high priestess," she remarked as she pulled out a bloodied hoof.

"Show your unholy congregation that I have indeed won. You shall be the Church of Lilith, and you shall worship the queen of hell, Madam Satan."

Zelda dropped to her knees and bowed her head at the sight, her arms outstretched in exaltation. Lilith had won. All really would be well.

"Get up" She chided, not yet accustomed to seeing her lover in such a state of obedience and reverence. "I understand that you will do this in front of people but please, Zelda, please not... not alone."

Zelda felt her chest tighten at the softness of her lover and stood immediately. "Lilith I don't know what I am doing. I don't know up from down or who I am to worship or am supposed to love or ignore or-"

Lilith quieted the redhead by pressing her lips hard into hers and pulling her into a warm, soft embrace. Zelda was still shocked by how gentle she could be when she wanted. "You love me. You worship when it is called for. But you are my.... love. There is no other word for it. You are not my priestess or my hand maiden or my concubine, Zelda. You are my love. It is that simple and that complicated all at once."

That answered one question, but Mary Wardwell still lingered in the back of Zelda's mind. She was, indeed, the other half of Zelda's love, whether or not she liked it or even admitted it. After a moment, Zelda nodded.

"Alright... so step one. Take the bloodied hoof and cheer on the masses. Then wait for instructions on step two."

"Precisely," Lilith smiled. "By the way, you're late for choir practice, darling."

"Fuck. And Lilith I HATE it when you do that!" Zelda grumbled as she forgot all ceremony, easily falling back into old habits with her lover, "you don't even have a bloody watch on!"

"Is that Lilith as in "for Lilith's sake" or are you calling me by my name?"

Zelda rolled her eyes and sighed, then kissed the woman hard on the the lips before she rushed out of the church and off to her office to retrieve the proper folders for her next lessons. Perhaps this wasn't going to be so impossible and terrifying, after all.

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