Chapter 15

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Lilith wanted to rip the head from Mary Wardwell's body. She wanted to throw her in front of a moving car. Then she wanted to find that good for nothing little pawn of the false God, Catherine, and rip her limb from limb. And Zelda? Oh, the divinely wicked things she wanted to do to Zelda. Didn't Zelda realize just to whom she belonged? Didn't she realize whom she was supposed to worship? Whose orders she was supposed to follow? Of course.... Lilith hadn't given her any orders to follow. Or really shown herself as her Queen... or the divine leader of her religion. But that was entirely beside the point. What in Her own unholy name had Zelda been thinking showing Mary her whole entire ugly story? Was Zelda trying to ruin everything? And then, of course, to take Mary back and parade her around like that. Zelda was just being spiteful because she was lonely. Or was she?

Lilith knew the answer to that. Lilith had known the answer to this little game with Zelda as soon as she had descended back into hell. There was to be no Lilith and Zelda if Lilith were not in the human form of Mary Wardwell. Of course, Zelda didn't understand the ways in which Mary Wardwell and Lilith were linked... yet. And they were inextricably and eternally linked, for they were one in the same. Two sides of the same coin, one could say. It simply wasn't time for Zelda, much less Mary, to find that out. Damn it all to hell, Zelda, why did the woman have to be so stubborn?

Lilith would simply have to make an appearance. She would have to guide Zelda back to the academy. Keep her busy. Give her some sort of nugget to give her some new sense of purpose and concentration as she led to coven into the newfound worship of yours truly. It wasn't quite time for the church of night to go into the full fledged worship of Lilith but now sweet little Zelda had foiled the whole plan for the unholy trinity. Lilith would just have to distract her long enough to get it back on track. But how? Lilith contemplated in silent, frustrated thought as she watched the two women sleep on top of each other like a pile of puppies.

Part of her heart longed for Zelda; she longed to be back in the human form she had come to know so well, back in her arms, back in their old habits. The other half of her heart simply wanted to rip Zelda's straight out of her chest. Dissatisfied with both options, Lilith huffed loudly before she gave up on watching the two sleep. She would deal with them later.

Zelda woke up to a mouth full of black curls as Mary lay sprawled on top of her, the majority of her hair in Zelda's face. Zelda did her best to get the hair out of her mouth and roll her shoulder, which was completely asleep, without waking Mary. She opened one eye to peek at the old alarm clock on the nightstand, which read 5:30 am, and groaned. She had an 8:00 appointment with one of the families from the Riverdale murders. She'd have to shower and get her hair done in time for breakfast at 7:30 which meant she might as well not go back to sleep.

She did her best to look down at the tiny woman on top of her and smiled, content for the first time in months. Even dead asleep, Mary weighed very little. Her hair made up most of her bulk and this morning it was positively crazy, extending out from her scalp in wild ringlets from having dried naturally. Zelda rested a gentle hand on her back, drawing circles in the middle of her spine with her index finger.

Mary groaned in protest, but placed a gentle kiss in the middle of Zelda's cleavage anyway. "Mmm morning," Zelda whispered as she felt Mary's lips on her body, a familiar feeling stirring in her core.

"Morning yourself," Mary groaned, keeping her face buried. The woman did hate mornings. She always had. Even waking up next to Zelda couldn't help that. "It's not even light out Zelda, good God," she complained as she opened one eye, then closed it again and moved onto her own pillow.

Zelda rolled over to spoon the woman and smiled as she found her neck, kissing the soft skin. "I can make it a good morning if you want me to..." she whispered as her hands found Mary's thighs. She didn't have much time- but she could find a little to spare. 

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