Chapter 13

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"Mary! What an unexpected-"

Mary cut Zelda off as she pushed past her into the foyer of her home, letters and photos clutched in one hand. "We need to talk. Now." She was holding back the tears threatening to fall again; she didn't want to cry in front of Zelda. She didn't want to show any emotion at all in front of the woman anymore.

Zelda furrowed her brow and pushed her chin into her neck, confused. "What's the matter?" She asked seriously, crossing her arms over her chest as she spoke.

Mary contemplated asking her if they could sit, then rolled her eyes. She didn't want to ask her for anything, either. "This," Mary spat, shoving the letters and photos into Zelda's forearms. "You need to explain all of this."

Zelda watched the assorted papers as the floated to her feet. She hadn't known to catch them. As she studied the photos on the ground, recognition dawned on her. "Of course...." Zelda muttered as she bent to pick up a photo of Mary and Adam standing in front of the Eiffel Tower, Adam's arms wrapped protectively around her waist. "Adam."

"So you do you know," the brunette woman scoffed and nearly turned on her heel to leave, then thought better of it. "Zelda Spellman,  you've got about ten minutes to explain yourself before I leave this house and call the police."

Zelda had to bite back a bitter smirk as she heard Sabrina descend the stairs. Mary Wardwell really thought the police could help her?

"Aunt Zee are you alright? I thought I- Miss Wardwell!" Sabrina grinned as she took the last six stairs two at a time to greet her favorite teacher. Sabrina ran to the woman and hugged her tightly are round the waist, causing Mary to stiffen in place. Sabrina hadn't seen her since she unconscious in bed.

"Sabrina now is not a good time," Zelda warned, eyeing her niece, "please go back upstairs."

"But I just wante-"

"Sabrina I said go back upstairs right this instant," Zelda Snapped, turning on her niece. Sabrina pouted, but silently released the woman and skulked all the way back up the stairs to her bedroom.

"Mary I can and I will explain everything," Zelda muttered as she bent again to pick up the rest of the photos, "and I'm sorry about Sabrina. She was worried about you."

"Really?" Mary asked bitterly, "I'm shocked she wasn't rooting for my demise. Isn't that what you Spellmans do?"

Zelda started to snap back at her, then stopped. "If you'll sit with me in the kitchen, we can talk."

"Thank you, but I'd prefer to be somewhere where there are no sharp objects."

Zelda rolled her eyes and huffed, "For fucks sake Mary this is a mortuary, there are sharp objects in every room. Now follow me to the kitchen if you'd like to talk. Otherwise, the front door is right there."

Mary contemplated her options, then silently followed behind Zelda, who had already started down the hallway to the kitchen. Zelda didn't invite her to sit down; instead she sat the pile of Mary's things on the table and simply began making tea for the both of them. The tea Zelda was making was meant to relax Mary's senses; make her more open to believing the things she was about to hear. After a moment, Zelda sat a cup down in front of the woman, then took an exaggerated sip from her own cup to let her know that the brew was indeed safe to drink.

"I know this must be very... confusing for you," Zelda said gently as she joined Mary at the table.

"Please don't try to comfort me," Mary chided as she fiddled with the ring on her left hand, "just tell me what the hell is going on."

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