Chapter 11

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Zelda sat upright, perched against the antique four poster headboard in Mary's room, the woman still fast asleep next to her. She had long since sent Sabrina home and stayed awake all night, watching over her beloved friend, ensuring that she was still breathing and resting comfortably. It was nearly seven in the morning, but she wasn't yet ready for sleep.

Silently, she took stock of her life. The collection of choices, of the yes and no's, both big and small, that had amounted to the woman she was. Her body was not tired, but her soul was a different story. She was always the... responsible one. The matriarch of the family who raised wayward children, the devoted sister who, though harsh, would fiercely protect her own blood. The pious one. The sensible one. The cold one. Zelda was so tired of being cold. She thought that time had ended with Lilith, but it felt different now, somehow forbidden. But Mary....

Mary groaned and turned on her side, resting her face against Zelda's thigh as she draped an arm over her lap. The color was returning to her face; a reassuring sign. Zelda rested her hand against the woman's arm, brushing her wrist softly with the pad of her thumb. It was not lost on her that she had quite literally killed for the woman, but still didn't belong in her bed. She wondered what Mary would think when she woke up; if she'd be embarrassed or ashamed or if she would simply give in, remember, and let Zelda love her as she once had.

Feeling the weight of Zelda's arm on hers, Mary opened one eye to peek at who was in her bed with her. Upon seeing that it was Zelda, she shut her eyes again and cuddled closer to the woman, wrapping herself as fully around her as she could manage. Perhaps it wasn't proper, but she was freezing and Zelda's warmth was a welcome comfort. Consciousness, so far, was not treating her well. The overwhelming desire to vomit had left her, but she still felt akin to what she could only imagine was death. Her head hurt, her throat hurt, muscles she didn't even know she had hurt.

"I saw that," Zelda muttered quietly as she wrapped her arm more fully around Mary, pulling the blankets up higher around both of them. "I'm glad to see you've rejoined the land of the living."

"Have I?" Mary groaned again, unmoving from her spot. "I don't feel like I have."

Zelda laughed quietly and ran her fingers gently through Mary's hair, the smallest token of comfort that she could give. "I'm afraid you have, my dear Mary. You made it through the night."

Mary lay still for a moment, then rolled onto her back and opened her eyes, the oversized sweater she was wearing draping off her shoulder. "I'm not particularly fond of the land of the living at the moment."

Mary looked up at Zelda, a flash of familiarity catching in her brain. It was as if Zelda had been in her bed before. "Thank you.... for coming and for staying. I was a little afraid last night."

"You had reason to be," Zelda muttered as she stifled a yawn, wishing she could lie down next to the woman, wrap an arm around her, and finally sleep.

"Are you about to tell me this was some kind of demonic possession," Mary asked, dead pan, as she continued to look up at Zelda, tempted to pull her down to lie with her. The woman was pretty. Mary couldn't help the attraction she felt in the pit of her stomach; Zelda made Mary want her.

"No, far worse. You were actually dead and I had to kill someone to save you," Zelda smiled pleasantly as she closed her eyes, fatigue overtaking her as she realized that Mary was going to be alright.

"Very funny," Mary rolled her eyes, then wished she hadn't. Even that hurt. "Thank you for saving me from dying. Really. I don't know what you did but I almost feel human again today."

"I told you already," Zelda smiled and shook her head, wishing she could sleep. "If you're not opposed, I'd very much like to take you back to my house. You've got nothing to eat here. You don't need to be alone. And I need a nap."

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