Chapter 14

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Zelda sat on the edge of the bed in the guest room in her flowered kimono and black silk night gown, her hair pulled back in a careless bun, as she waited for Mary to get out of the shower. She had pulled an array of pajamas for the woman to wear; night gowns, sweaters, even some of Sabrina's old flannel pajamas. Zelda was exhausted down to her bones, but she would stay awake to talk, or not talk, for as long as Mary needed.

Finally, the woman stepped out of the bathroom in a towel, her hair ringing wet around her shoulders, dripping down her back. "I've brought you pajamas, and then I'll leave you be if you'd like," Zelda said quietly as she tried not to stare at Mary.

"Thank you," Mary did her best to smile as she moved toward the woman on the bed, also trying not to stare. Zelda looked exquisite in her night clothes with no make up on. This was not exactly how Mary had envisioned seeing her the first time, but she was beautiful nonetheless. "I look forward to a time we can just .... spend the night together. Under normal circumstances."

Zelda felt like her heart might burst out of her chest as Mary began to sort through her available pajama options. "Are you implying that is still an option?"

Mary stopped what she was doing, a short black nightgown in her hand, and stared at Zelda with a frown on her face. "You know, for a woman as smart as you are, sometimes you're awfully thick headed."

Zelda laughed quietly at the comment and rolled her eyes, concentrating hard on not reaching out to touch the woman. "I am not. I just... have taken so much for granted..."

"Maybe this," Mary muttered, "will answer your question." Mary dropped the night gown on the bed and moved closer to Zelda, leaning over the woman to press her lips against hers. Soft at first, the kiss quickly grew passionate and hungry as Mary moved to straddle Zelda's lap.

Zelda's hands quickly found Mary's waist as she tugged the towel off of the woman and discarded it on the floor, their tongues locked in a battle for dominance. Zelda pulled the woman closer to her, her chest pressed against her body as she abandoned her mouth in favoring of peppering kisses along her jawline and down her neck.

Mary wrapped her arms around Zelda's neck and let out a low moan, then spotted the ring still on her left hand. Her stomach lurched, the nausea returning as memories from the night flooded her mind again. Zelda felt the woman tense on her lap and stopped immediately, pulling away from her to look her in the eye. "Mary, we don't... have to do this," she said seriously as she noticed the tears in her eyes.

"I want to. I want you," she sighed as she slid the ring off and held it in her hand, "I'm just.... overwhelmed."

Zelda pulled the woman against her body again and held her tight, stroking her back gently with her thumb and forefinger. "Why don't we do this? Why don't we get you dressed and lie down? It's been a long day for both of us."

"You won't leave me, will you?" Mary asked quickly, a hint of panic in her voice.

"No, my love, I won't leave you if you don't want me to," Zelda smiled against her neck as she held the woman to her, "I will never leave you."

Mary modded, then crawled off of Zelda's lap. Zelda excused herself to make them both some more tea and promptly lit a cigarette the moment she left the room. Mary looked around as she dressed herself, studying the photos on the dresser while Zelda was gone. There were several of people she didn't recognize, many that looked like they were at least a hundred years old, and one of Zelda as a young woman, her long red hair blowing in the breeze as she laughed, her head thrown all the way back. Mary had never seen her so happy or carefree. She picked it up and held it in one hand, stroking Zelda's face with her index finger. She thought, before tonight, that she could love this woman. Now she knew she already did.

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