Chapter Three

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A day later I was pronounced dead, the excuse was that someone had poisoned me and I died in my sleep, Romulus was no more.

I had to begin a new life as Roman, the humble adopted son of Sir Picani, I never did find out how my brother reacted to the news of my "death", my mom ordered that Remus and her be left alone from the public eye for a quiet day of "mourning" so really no one knew how the royal family reacted.
I scrapped my clean-cut royal clothes for some plain brown peasant clothes and was lead by Sir Picani to my new home, it was a small shack nothing very fancy it certainly was a big change from living in the palace.

I walked into the little shack and saw a boy around a year older than me wearing tattered clothing and a dirt-covered apron as he cooked some kinda food on the stove with a spatula.

He turned to me revealing he had a huge burn mark on the left side of his face, he seemed less than thrilled that I was there "You're Roman." He pointed his spatula at me, almost poking me in the nose.

"Yes I am." I said nervously "I'm Janus and I guess you're my new little brother." He scanned me up and down and stared at me rather unimpressed.
"Uh yes! I'm happy to finally be part of a family after living in an orphanage for so long-" "Don't waste a good lie on me, I know it's you Prince Romulus." I was taken aback for a moment at him just calling out my secret identity immediately.

"H-how-" "My father actually trusts me with important information, also helps that I am pretty good at telling when others are lying." He smirked.

"...Why are you cooking when your just a little kid like me?" I asked "Well not everyone can have servants waiting on them hand and foot 24/7, we all gotta pull our weight around here" he explained.

"Oh well, what should I do-" I started speaking before he cut me off by placing a broom in my hands "you can start by doing some sweeping, good luck princey." He giggled and turned back to the stove to resume cooking.
And thus I became acquainted with peasant life, doing chores around the house and stuff.

Over time Janus and I's relationship grew and we learned to respect each other and love one another as brothers even though we weren't biologically related.

I also made sure to keep a close eye on Remus and my mother over the years, well as close as I could having to keep my distance and all.

One year when I was twenty one my mother unexpectedly passed away of an illness and I was totally devastated as well as the rest of the kingdom.

Remus mostly spent the day locked up in his castle thinking about what to do now that he was king.
Picani and Janus both decided to give me space as they understood it must have been painful for me since I couldn't attend the funeral.
A couple of days after the funeral Picani approached me with a suggestion.

I was in the middle of doing my chores and had just gotten done chopping wood and was taking a rest on a tree stump.

"Roman now that your mother is dead and you are probably feeling more distant than ever I believe right now would be a good time for you to try and reconnect with Remus."
"Heh funny but I can't exactly just walk up to the castle and go "Hey King Remus! I'm your dead twin brother! Let's have a drink!" can I?" I joked.

"No but you are of legal age to work in the palace and you have always been good at taking orders.".
I did miss Remus a lot and being reunited with him would be fantastic even if I was his servant "I suppose that could work but I'm still not sure.".

"Hey, do whatever you want but I advise that you try and keep your true identity as well as our relationship a secret, that includes not mentioning you and Janus are foster brothers wouldn't want him to start asking questions about our past would we?" I thought about it for a few moments.

"I guess not, I'll go for a job at the castle tomorrow."
"That's my boy I have faith in you." Picani said before walking off to let me resume my chores.

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