Chapter Ten

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Virgil's POV

A year had passed since the revolution and life had continued on as normal, Logan was crowned as king of Marlon and ended up merging Lucifenia with his own nation so that they could have an actually good king.

People were finally happy and crops were flourishing again, hell it even rained for the first time in a whole year.

As for me, I became a servant of God working at a church and living at a monastery as a priest.

I had grieved and grieved for Patton but recently I had felt a lot better, I still felt attached to him but I was slowly realizing how to find my own path.

I still made sure to visit Patton's grave and I even would talk to it from time to time when ever I felt frustrated.

Life was pretty okay for me, it was certainly a lot better than when I lived in Elphegort.

Then one day when I was returning home from visiting Patton's grave I saw a man standing at the foot of the ocean with a small glass bottle in his hands whispering to himself.

"Uh hello?" I called out to which he turned around and looked at me extremely flustered, he actually looked a bit familiar but I didn't know exactly where I had seen him before.

"Uhm, hi." He said quite timidly.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh's a private thing."

"Ah, I see." I looked down at his clothes, he had no shoes and his clothing looked to be torn completely to shreds "you look like you've been through hell, are you okay?"

"Yes, I've just been living on the streets for a while so my clothes are torn.".

I gasped "you poor thing! come back to the monastery with me and I'll get you cleaned up!" I grabbed his hand and started leading him away from the ocean.

We left so fast he accidentally dropped the bottle in the sand, thankfully not breaking it, I'm not sure why he needed it but I'm guessing he did so it's good it didn't break.

When we got back I gave him a change of clothes and fed him a bit of food, I sat down next to him while he ate and started to ask him questions.

"Do you have any family members I should contact?"

He was quiet for a few seconds before answering "No, all my family members are long gone..."

I felt so sorry for this man "I too have lost people closest to me... what's your name?"


I laughed a bit "now that's a name I haven't heard in a while."

"Heh, yeah..." he mumbled.

"I'm guessing you were born at the same time as the king, it's kinda become bad luck now days to name your kid Remus."

He gave me a look that I couldn't quite pin down, it looked like he might have been kinda offended by what I said.

"What's wrong?"

"N-nothing, I was just thinking about where I'm gonna go."

"Well, Remus if you ever want a job and a roof over your head, I suggest here, it's nothing special but I believe you might like it."

He looked down at the ground in deep thought "I'll think about it."

"Wonderful! we're kinda understaffed so we could always use an extra helping hand."

I stood up and began walking away but turned around for a moment "oh, and you're welcome to stay here for the night, like I said not many of the beds are occupied." I finally turned back around and walked out the door to focus on making dinner for myself.

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