Chapter Six

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Patton's POV

I know I'm not human, I know I'm not like him but there's something about him that makes me so desperately want to help him.

Maybe it was his sad gaze or maybe it was the way he dressed, he looked like a pauper.

Ah, no, who was he kidding, I knew exactly why I was drawn to help Virgil, after all, Virgil helped me.

I was a blue bird before, re incarnation is a funny thing isn't it? You can be re incarnated as anything and sometimes you can use that power to help others.

I guess I lucked out then when I desperately asked the big man himself if I could help this poor lost soul, he was scared, alone, he needed somebody and I was happy to be that somebody, no matter what form I would take.

He took me in, bandaged me up and made me feel better, it was the least I could do for him.

So, I woke up in his house and was treated with kindness and hospitality, I began to care for him in return, as I stayed with him and his mother we started to grow closer.

"Hey, Virgil..."

"Yes, Patton?"

"Would you rather have a million different friends or a million dollars?"

"I guess a million dollars but I would like a lot of friends, sadly it's impossible for me, but it's okay, as long as I have you I'll be alright." He smiled at me and I smiled back.

We began working together and we were both incredibly happy, I was actually quite popular and well-loved in the village, though, I could tell something was bothering him, when I tried to talk to him he always seemed so glum and gloomy, after we got off work I finally got the courage to ask him about it.

"Virgil are you okay?"

He started to break down a little "I heard some other people's gossip around town and...they said you were only friends with me to make your self stand out and to look nice and I hate to admit it but I'm starting to think their right-" I cut him off by pulling him into a hug.

"No matter what anyone says, to me, you are a very wonderful person. More than anyone in the world, I have never met someone as beautiful as you are." I said comforting him which led to him sobbing into my shoulder, he looked up at me for a moment sniffling and smiling "They can laugh and mock me, hurt me with enmity and hate, they can shame me, slander me into disgrace but I won't fear, I won't cry since I have you, the one who gave me all the worth I need..." I smiled at him sweetly and held him even tighter than before, I had grown to respect and admire Virgil for enduring such a hard life.

I'm glad I could help him feel better about everything as long as we were together everything would be alright.

A few weeks later Virgil's mom passed away peacefully in her sleep and after a day of mourning, we decided to leave town as there was nothing left for us there, we chose to emigrate to Lucifenia as it was the kingdom closest to our old village.

We got jobs as butlers and even though the work was hard we liked it and everything was going great.

One evening a grand party was held at the castle and after I insisted he go to meet new people, he forced me to come with him for emotional support.

Eventually Virgil went to go use the bathroom and I was left alone to do whatever I wanted.

While stuffing my face full of food at the buffet I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around and saw none other than the prince of Marlon standing there and smiling at me.

I bowed "Hello, Prince Logan." He smiled at me "Please don't bow, it's far too formal for my tastes".

He was admittedly very cute, his outfit was clean and well cut in a way that gave off the aura of utmost professionalism but wasn't so cold you couldn't approach him, his crown was polished to perfection and his glasses were thick, he looked less like a prince and more like a scholar.

"Shouldn't you be talking to the king? It is his party after all." I Inquired.

He sighed at that question and I got ready to apologize because I was scared I said something wrong but his reply proved me wrong "Trust me, I'll have plenty of time to talk to him later, for now I would rather spend my time talking to you.".

I blushed profusely at that little response "Why me?".

"Well, you were over here eating by yourself and you looked nice enough for me to approach, I've never been one for socializing but if I have to talk to some one, I'll happily do it with you.".

"If you want we can go and talk some where a bit more private.".

"I'd like that a lot.".

We walked off to a hallway, chatting and laughing as if we had known each other for our entire lives instead of an hour, I would make a pun and he would laugh and then he would tell me about his life as a prince and I would listen in amazement.

He didn't seem to look at me too often, sometimes he would space out and I'd have to snap him out of his trance so he could hear what I was saying.

"Hey, you seem really distracted, is everything okay?".

He just sighed and said "Political stuff that I'm not too happy about, you probably don't care about it.".

"Oh come on, I'm your party buddy! you can tell me!".

"Ok, well I have this really stupid arranged marriage coming up, it's been planned since I was a kid and I've hated it ever since.".

"Why don't you ask your parents to call it off?".

"My dad is really stubborn and my mom listens to everything he says so there's no getting through to them.".

"Well, I think that's just plain awful that they won't listen, it's your marriage and you should be able to call it off."

He gave me a little smirk and I smiled back.

"What's your name?"

"It's Patton."

"You know what's funny Patton? I've only been talking to you for an hour and I still feel more comfortable around you than my own parents." He joked.

"Maybe you should marry me instead." I started laughing at my own joke but Logan just stood there blushing.

I slowly stopped laughing and stared at him, blushing as well "I uhm... should probably go and find my friend." I started walking away but he caught up with me.

"Hey, before you go can I ask you something?" I became immediately flustered, nervous that he was gonna ask me to kiss him or something.

"Wanna hang out tomorrow? maybe then I'll be less distracted and we can have a bit more time to talk."

Well it was no kiss, but it made me happy to know he wanted to see me again.

Over the next few days we spent loads of time together, so much so I could feel Virgil was getting and little jealous.

We'd write to each other and even sometimes have tea together, I knew it was weird for me to be spending so much time with royalty but I couldn't help it, it was so interesting hanging out with a prince.

I kept my crush on him a secret though, I knew he loved me but I didn't want him to leave his fiancé just for me, he had to do it because he didn't like it.

I would be lying though if I didn't think about what it would be like to marry a prince, though and wether or not we'd make good kings.

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