Chapter Five

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Virgil's POV

I wish that I weren't alive, I have been saying that since I could remember.

Ever since I was born, I have been persecuted and scorned. When I was a child I couldn't understand why I was put through such experiences.

When I grew older I came to understand that it was because I was weak and in the country of Elphegort, that meant you were as good as dead.

Despite how horribly treated I was in the country, I still loved it and lived there with my mother since I could remember, I never knew who my dad was and I didn't care, my mom tried her best to take care of me despite that until she eventually contracted this really bad disease that made her crave worms and bugs.

Over time the disease took such a great toll on her health, she became almost completely bedridden, only occasionally getting up to do small stuff.

So, I ended up taking on most of the finances as she was unable to work due to her disease and I became a farmhand helping plant crops and stuff though, I was never really good at it due to my clumsiness.

We loved each other but I think deep down we both knew that she was a burden and was weighing us down financially but I just ignored that, I didn't want to accept that the only person who ever cared for me was doing more harm to me than good.

I really had only her, everyone in town thought I was absolutely uselsess.

I've heard all the horrible comments before, my pale skin and dark circles under my eyes made me come off as scary or some sort of creep, it didn't help that my clumsiness made it so defending myself was never that easy.

There was even a time when rumors were going around about how I was some sort of witch and I was the reason crops weren't as good as last years.

Nothing was ever good enough for the people of the village and I tried to act like it didn't bug me but it really did, I felt horrible, why didn't anyone like me? Why did they all treat me like garbage? They even said that my mother got sick because of me, I knew it wasn't true but sometimes their words did hurt me and I want nothing more than them to accept me.

"Mom I'm off to work!" I said, putting on my shoes and getting ready to walk out the door.

"Goodbye, sweetie have a nice day!"

I walked outside but before I could start my journey to the fields I noticed a small blue bird laying on the ground injured, it looked like it might die if I didn't help it so I scooped it up and headed back inside to quickly bandage the poor little fella before work.

I bandaged him up and he started chirping happily making me smile a little.

"Hey, little fella I'm Virgil..." I knew it was kinda silly to start talking to a bird but I found it kinda comforting "I gotta go right now but you stay here and rest a bit." I finally headed to work, feeling a bit more confident from saving that little bird.

When it was time for my break I decided to approach two of my coworkers who were talking up a storm.

"Hello, Carson hello, Parker." I mumbled, nervously looking down at the ground.

"Ugh, what do you want?" They were annoyed by my mere presence, I should of picked up on that hint to scram but I was persistent.

"I uhm, was wondering if you would want to come over for dinner? I mean, I know my house isn't exactly a party place but I just wanna-"

"No now go away we are busy talking."

I was shocked they were so blunt about it "I'm sorry I asked h- have a nice day..." I should of known better, nobody would ever give me a chance.

With a heavy heart I slowly walked over to the one place I felt comfortable, in our village we had a huge forrest called the millennium tree forrest and I would often go there to sit by myself and watch the world go by.

But today I had a different reason for going, I felt lost and lonely and like I had absolutely no one, I didn't know what I was doing but the more I started thinking about the awful things I had to go through because of these people I ran faster and faster until not only was I crying but I was also collapsing on the ground in front of a huge tree.

My clothes were covered in dirt and blades of grass but I didn't care, I picked myself up so that I was just kneeling on my knees in front of the massive tree and my head hanging low.

I knew deep down what I was about to do was silly, it was down right childish, but I didn't have a single clue what to do and honestly, I just was hoping for really anyone to listen to my wishes and if that had to be a tree then so be it.

I cleared my throat and began mumbling softly to myself "I know I'm asking a lot here, I know I don't deserve it, but if you could just... please, bring me some one who would be kind to me? Some one who can look past my clumsiness and flaws, please, it's so unbearable living with no ones company but your own, my mother doesn't have long, please.".

I sat there for the rest of my break silently pleading for some one, anyone, to come and be my friend before I ended up dusting off my clothes and getting up to get back to work.

When I woke up the next morning I discovered that my little bird friend had healed overnight and flown away much to my disappointment.

I decided to spend my day off in the forest to think about some stuff and try to figure out a way to maybe try making a friend.
When I arrived I saw a man passed out on the ground, he looked around my age and was passed out due to dehydration.

I decided to help him so I carried him back to my house, I laid him down in my bed and I gave him some water which luckily woke him up.

"Oh uhm, hello." He mumbled, his voice was very tiny and cute.

I looked a bit nervous "I found you in the forest passed out, are you okay?"

"I'm fine now, I was just trying to get to get to Elphegort and I guess my trek made me a bit faint, I'm Patton."

"I'm Virgil...I'm dreadfully sorry you have to be taken care of by me but my mother isn't exactly well enough to take care of anyone."

"Why would you apologize for that? you seem really nice!"

I froze, this was the first time someone complimented me besides my mother, all these years I had never been shown even one ounce of love from anyone else, much to my embarrassment I unconsciously started tearing up, I had to take a moment to wipe away my tears with my sleeve, Why would he show love and sympathy to some one so unworthy of it?

"I'm sorry I'm crying it's just, I've never been complimented before..." he looked at me with pity and sadness "that's awful! you seem wonderful!"

I couldn't help but smile "here is some soup I made-" I stopped for a moment, looking at the soup and sighed, I could see bugs floating in it, mom had a habit of sticking gross things into other people's food.

I love her but that disease really had been messing with her head "never mind the soup." I then heard a knock on the door, it was the tax collector, I sighed and started walking to go pay him what little money I had before Patton grabbed my hand and stopped me.

"Here." He said, handing me some money from his pocket "I don't really have anywhere to go and based on what I've seen I'd like to live with you and your mom, if that's okay with you of course, I have quite a bit in savings and I can take care of a lot of the money related issues."

Considering how my mother didn't seem like she would be alive for very long and my financial struggles I agreed, Patton seemed so nice and if my mom did pass away soon, having another person to keep me company would be wonderful.

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