Second meeting (Cybertronian)

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You were currently walking out in the desert while taking pictures of any animals or plants that you could find since you needed them for a school project. As you were walking you saw a lizard on a rock by the road. Since you didn't see anyone coming you decided to walk over to the rock. Unfortunately you didn't see the car that was coming until it was almost too late. You looked up and screamed when you heard a car horn and screatcing tires. You quickly jumped out of the way as the car came to a stop.

You looked at the car and you instantly knew who it was. Your eyes widened when the car transformed into a giant robot.

"Hey, are you alright?" Smokescreen asked you.

You tried to say something but fainted instead.

"Ratchet is so gonna offline me." Smokescreen groaned as he transformed again.

He then activated his holoform, picked you up off of the ground and placed you in his passenger seat. His holoform fizzled away as he drove back to the Autobot base near Jasper.

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