You get taken by the Decepticons

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After about two weeks of begging Optimus finally allowed Smokescreen to take you out on patrol, as long as you both stayed away from trouble. You both were currently having a ton of fun singing along with the radio and playing 'I spy'. After about forty five minutes Smokescreen noticed two Vehicons following him so he drove off of the road and hid behind a large rock.

"Y/n, go hide!" Smokescreen whispered as he let you out of his alt mode.

"I will, and good luck." You said as Smokescreen transformed.

"Hey Decepticreeps!" Smokescreen yelled as he came out of hiding and started shooting at the Vehicons.

Smokescreen quickly offlined the Vehicons but soon enough some Eradicons flew down from the sky, transformed and landed on the ground. Smokescreen started shooting at the Eradicons, until one of them stepped out from behind the large rock.

"I would stand down, if I were you." A Eradicon said as he held you.

"Let the human go, she has nothing to do with the war!" Smokescreen yelled.

"Oh, is she important to you?" The Eradicon asked as he squeezed you a little.

"N-no!" Smokescreen said, hoping that the Eradicon would let you go.

"Then I'll take her." The Eradicon said as he transformed around you and flew away.

"Y/N!" Smokescreen yelled as the other Eradicons transformed and flew away.

Smokescreen quickly transformed and drove back to the Autobot base. When he got there he told Optimus what had happened to you. Optimus and the other Autobots then came up with a plan to get you back.

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