Cute moment with your daughter

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You were in the nursery feeding Charlotte when Ashton and Jason quietly walked in. When they saw you feeding her they looked away until you were done.

"Mom, can we hold Charlotte?" Ashton quietly asked you.

"Yeah mom, can we?" Jason asked you curiously.

"Sure, just sit in the chair." You said as you stood up.

Both Ashton and Jason managed to sit in the comfortable chair that you had been sitting in. You told them how to hold Charlotte without hurting her and they did exactly as you said.

"Wow, I can't believe we're actually holding her." Jason said in awe.

"I know, and she's still so small." Ashton said as he gently touched Charlotte's hair.

"She kinda looks like a potato." Jason said after a few minutes.

"Jason, that's no way to talk about your sister." You said as you rolled your E/c eyes.

"I'm sorry, but it's true." Jason said as he tried not to giggle.

After a while you picked Charlotte up and you, Ashton and Jason all went to the kitchen to eat lunch. When you got to the kitchen you saw that Smokescreen had already made lunch.

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