The end of the war/Saying goodbye

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A lot had happened in the past few weeks and now the Autobots had just won the war. When Soundwave was in the base and attacked your left arm got fractured so now you had to wear a cast. You were currently on one of the platforms saying goodbye to Smokescreen. He activated his holoform so that he could be close to you for the last time.

"Well Y/n, I-I guess that this is goodbye." Smokescreen said sadly.

"Yeah, I guess it is." You said.

"Y/n.....I-I know that I've told you this a lot....but I love you." Smokescreen said as he wrapped his arms around your waist.

"I love you too Smokescreen." You said as you started crying.

Smokescreen gave you one last kiss before his holoform fizzled out. Then he and the other Autobots went through the groundbridge. Once the groundbridge closed you ran to Smokescreen's old berthroom and sobbed for an hour before you fell asleep.

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