Techno organic, again

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Charlotte is now eight years old. And she doesn't use a key to transform

One Saturday afternoon Charlotte decided to go for a walk in the forest. As she was walking she tried focusing on transforming. She knew that she could transform, but she also knew that it would be hard. Right as she was about to give up she finally transformed.

"Woah." Charlotte said as she looked down at herself.

She then ran home to show you and Smokescreen. When she got home she saw you, Smokescreen and her brothers outside.

"Mom! Dad! Look what I did!" Charlotte said happily.

"You transformed." Smokescreen said as he smiled.

"Good job." You said as you hugged her.

"Now we can all transform." Ashton said.

"Yeah, you did a great job." Jason said as he and Ashton hugged her.



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