You give birth, again

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As soon as Smokescreen pulled up to the hospital a couple of nurses helped you get into a wheelchair before they took you into the hospital. Once Smokescreen found a parking spot he helped Ashton and Jason out of his alt mode. Once they got into the hospital one of the staff members lead Ashton and Jason to a waiting area while a nurse helped Smokescreen find which room you were in.

"Hey Y/n, how are you doing?" Smokescreen asked you as he walked into the room that you were in.

"Well, I guess I'm doing good, espassily since I only have to push out one baby instead of two. But it's still painful." You said as you tried to smile.

"I'm here for you." Smokescreen said as he held one of your hands.

After several hours of contractions it was finally time for you to start pushing. You couldn't help but scream and curse as you pushed as hard as you could. A few more hours later after screaming, pushing and sweating a loud cry was heard. Once the doctor cleaned your daughter off she was finally placed in your arms.

"Do you have a name for her?" The doctor asked you.

"Yes. Charlotte, Sadie, Screen." You told the doctor.

Once the doctor finished writing the name on the birth certificate she left with the nurses. A few moments later one of the nurses helped Ashton and Jason find the room that you were in.

"Is that her?" Ashton quietly asked you.

"Yes, her name is Charlotte." You said.

"Wow, she's really tiny." Jason said as he looked at Charlotte.

"She'll grow." Smokescreen said as he looked at Charlotte.

She had Smokescreen's skin tone eye color but she had your hair color and facial features. You couldn't help but cry a little when she gripped one of your fingers in her tiny hand.

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