First steps

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~ Jason ~

You were currently outside with Ashton and Jason while Smokescreen was about to go get some more energon. Since he was in his holoform you were able to kiss him. But when his holoform fizzled away neither of you noticed that Jason had figured out how to stand up.

"Dada!" Jason shouted as he took a few wobbly steps towards Smokescreen.

"Hey, you're walking!" Smokescreen said happily as he kneeled down.

"I didn't even notice that he stood up." You said in shock.

"He's just like me." Smokescreen said as he smiled.

"Yeah, he is." You said as you picked Jason up off of the ground.

~ Ashton ~

You and Smokescreen were currently in the living room watching the news while Ashton and Jason were sitting on the floor. When a scene of a recent street race came onto the tv you saw a fimillar looking car. When Ashton saw the car on the tv he figured out how to stand up and walk over to the tv.

"Papa!" Ashton said as he pointed to the tv screen.

"Is that where you were last nigh?!" You asked Smokescreen.

"I...uh...y-yeah...." Smokescreen said slowly.

"I told you not to go to any street races unless we could find a baby sitter." You said seriously.

"I know, but it was hard to resist." He said.

"Papa?" Ashton asked as he pointed to the tv again.

"Yeah, that's me." Smokescreen said proudly.

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