Chapter 15

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The storm spirits tore through the floor, shredding it into a billion pieces. A surge of fear flowed through me as I grabbed onto Jason's chest. Mellie had lifted us into the air using her control over the winds.

Above us you could hear Aeolus yelling. "Mellie, you are so fired."

"Quick, son of Jupiter, do you have control over the winds?" She asked him.

"A little." He called back.

"Then help me or you're all dead." She grabbed his hand as they tried to control the winds.

"Group hug." Jason muttered. It would have been funny if it were not for the circumstances. It just wasn't something that he would say.

"I'll pulverize you." Coach yelled at the storm spirits above us.

"He's amazing." Mellie murmured.

"Concentrate." I heard Jason tell her.

In my head, I was thinking the same thing about Jason. He had a look of immense concentration on his face, and his hair was blowing in all sorts of crazy directions, but I couldn't help admiring him.

"Can't hold for much longer." Mellie stammered.

"You're doing great." Hedge smiled. "My own mama was an Aura. She couldn't have done better herself."

"Iris message me?" She managed a smile.

"Could you do this later?" Leo managed to say.

Behind us, the tunnel was closing up and filling with storms spirits.

Mellie sounded strained. "I'll give you one last gift."

We were wrapped in a warm breeze, before the regular cold winter winds slammed into us, so fast that I passed out.

I was on Poseidon's beach again. it was starting to grow on me. So was he, but I wouldn't tell him that. It was clear he did care, because he kept breaking the rules to see me, but I didn't want him to think that the past was forgotten.

I sat down in the sand next to him.

"You have to destroy it." He stated.

I nodded. "I know. I'll try."

"You're already obsessed."

"Yup." I stated bluntly. "I'm working on it."

He turned to me and smiled. "So, you made Zeus mad. What did you do?"

I grinned back at him. "You know what I did."

He chuckled. "Yup."

I stared back at the ocean. "What is Percy like?" After Aeolus' comment, I wanted to know more.

"He's a hero." Poseidon shrugged. "But he doesn't act like it. He's got a goofy personality." He chuckled. "He doesn't always think before he acts. You two are a lot alike. You're both headstrong, and would do anything for someone you care about."

"You care about him, don't you?" I let the pink sand run through my fingers. Maybe one day I could really come here, not in a dream.

"I care about both of you. It was hard for me to keep my distance." He sounded really sorry. "And I'm sorry for it too."

I nodded, wiping a couple of tears from my eyes. "I know." I whispered.

"Now, you have to catch me up on some of your life. Tell me about what's happening."

I shrugged. "Just the quest right now. It kind of sucks."

"Zeus wouldn't be this mad if you were just on a quest. And Aphrodite is all excited for some reason." He bumped his shoulder into mine gently.

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