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Mom said that if they take me away they would put me in a cell where they did research and experiment stuff like in the show that plays on the tv I think it was called "stranger things" where everything is not as it seems. Mom would also say they put bugs in our brain to the point where we go crazy, and won't be a normal human ever again.

I don't know all the stuff that they would do but what mom is telling me to be careful just in case they do take me away. She even says that my dad left because of me, and that I was being a bad child to them, so dad left me and mom. I was locked up in my room because mom was having a bad day, I have the worst bruises on my back because mom was always hitting me, and throwing me.  I was trying to sleep but my bruises were hurting so much I couldn't sleep, I was wondering what mom said earlier.

If I'm the cause of my parents problems why does she keep me around? She could've let me be taken away... Never mind that is what I'm afraid of, being taken away where they'll put bugs in my brain, and be locked up in a cell. I wonder why dad left because of me, what exactly did I do wrong? I don't know what's my last name, so I don't know who my dad really is.  I passed out when I was wondering who my dad was, and what he was like before he left us.

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