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"How was your date?" I ask San as I take a seat next to him on the couch at our usual spot

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"How was your date?" I ask San as I take a seat next to him on the couch at our usual spot. It's Saturday evening and we're waiting for the rest of the boys to join us. I look at him and see that he has a smile on his face. "It was pretty good, but it would've been better if it were just the two of us, Eunji is pretty loud." I glare at him, "That's my friend you're talking about." In return, he puts his arms up with a smirk. "It's Halloween next week." I say nonchalantly and his mouth opens as he remembers. "That's what I was forgetting! Wooyoung told me about this party at Hyunjin's house. Are you going?" I shrug, "I need to see if my dad will let me..." "Just say you're sleeping over at mine, he will say yes. And either way you will probably end up sleeping over anyways." I nod at him, knowing that what he said is true. "Will you go to the party?" The door opens as I finish my question, "Maybe later, we have some stuff to do before that." He answers and stands up to greet his friends and I follow suite. "Soljoo, just the girl I was looking for!" Wooyoung rushes to me and pulls me into his embrace, "Really?" I scrunch up my face, confused as to why he was looking for me. "Yeah! It's been so long since we've seen each other. And since you've properly seen me." My whole face flushes as he whispers the last part and I break free from him, leaving his side as I throw him a last glare making him grin.

"Are any of you going to the halloween party?" Most of them shake their heads and only Wooyoung, Mingi nod; San merely shaking his hand as if to say that he's not sure. My eyes land on Wooyoung who has his eyebrows raised and a smirk, "So you're saying that I will be able to see you in a nice outfit other than your clearly old jeans?" I sigh, "Just for you, I'll make sure to wear jeans." He fake pouts and looks away from me. I look around and make eye contact with Seonghwa who was on the far end of the rest of the bunch. I walk over to him, "You're not going?" His eyes follow me as I approach him, "I don't think so but maybe I might just to make sure that Wooyoung doesn't do anything he's not supposed to do." I let out a breathy laugh.

I go back to sit on the couch, where I always sit, my legs spread out on the fabric. I go on my phone and look at any social media. I then go on snapchat when I see that Eunji sent me something.

Do you want to have matching costumes for Halloween?

Sure what's your idea?

Dude what about devils?

How original

No but not those basic devil outfits, something crazy.

Okay, I guess you can send me a pic of your costume and I'll find something similar or the same


or even hot witches

or whatever we'll talk about it later when I'm home.


I lock my phone and look up when I feel two hands move away my feet. "Who do you think you are, moving away my feet?" I scold Seonghwa who simply ignores my words and take a seat next to me. "Seonghwa~ I was so comfortable." "Well I wasn't so deal with it." He retorts back and gives me a satisfied smirk when he sees my face. "I finished our project so I'll give it in on monday." Monday. "Shit!" "What?" Seonghwa looks at me with concern. "I have a three hour test on monday, I completely forgot about it." I stand up. "I have to go, bye." I tell everyone and leave the place.

After 20 minutes, I arrive home. I greet my dad who sits in the living room and go to my room as fast as possible, trying not to cause anything bad. Once in my room, I take out my notes from the subject I will have the test on and start revising as much as possible.

1:02 a.m
My eyes slowly start to droop and I lose focus. I decide that it's time for me to stop for today and get ready for bed. Entering the bathroom, I tell myself to shower in the morning and simply brush my teeth and wash my face. Taking my clothes off to change into my pjs, I see the multiple fading bruises scattered all over my body. I take a deep breath in, not wanting to think about them and hurry up the process of getting dressed.

Knowing that I will stay home all day tomorrow, I make sure to get as much sleep as possible and finally, after a good half hour, I fall asleep, blurring the sound of my father steps echoing throughout the house.

The next time I open my eyes, the sun is already up and the sound of cars fill my ears. I look at the time and see that it's already past 10 a.m. I see a few messages from Eunji and know what it's about but will look at them later during the day. Pleased with the time, I go get ready in the bathroom and go into the kitchen afterwards, making sure that my father was nowhere to be seen. After making myself breakfast, I grab the food and walk up to my room, ready to start the day. With studying. We are nearing the exam season so I will also have to do more studying for other subjects which is rather annoying I must say but I can't just not study, it will show on my report card and if my father sees that I've been slacking, I don't want to know what will happen next. I push away the thoughts of procrastinating and dive back into the notebook where my notes are, already wanting the upcoming week to be over.


idk if any of you noticed already but i love adding parties to my stories. I add them all the time omfg.

Also the past few chapters weren't really interesting but they were mainly fillers for what's to come.

Also they got their first award I'm emo

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