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Slowly, the amount of people at Hyunjin's house starts to decrease as time goes on leaving only around ten people still here

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Slowly, the amount of people at Hyunjin's house starts to decrease as time goes on leaving only around ten people still here. "It's only 4 a.m." I state to no one in particular. Seonghwa lets out a mere "Ok," yawning afterwards. "You know, if you're tired you can go back home. Really, I can try to ask San if I can just go to his place." The brown haired boy only sits up and waves, "He already left." I look at him with wide eyes, "He left?" Seonghwa laughs at my reaction, "Yeah with Jisoo. That's why I didn't tell you cause I'm sure you wouldn't want to sleep over at his place while he and Jisoo are going at it." Knowing that he's right, I decide to not bother answering.

"You told me to prepare for fun hours with Park Seonghwa but I think I must have gotten the wrong one. I demand a refund." Seonghwa chuckles at my words, "No refunds, sorry." A smirk rests on his lips, his eyes containing a glint as he looks at me. "I can't drive back home because I've been drinking and why should I leave when I have you to entertain me?" "I'm really not that entertaining so don't get your hopes up." His face changes expressions into another one I can't quite point out. But before I can ask him what's wrong, he goes back to the way he was before. "Let's go outside, shall we?" I nod and leave the room we were in but stop following him when he pass the kitchen. "I'm coming." I tell him to which he nods and continues walking.

After pouring myself a drink and one for Seonghwa just in case, I make my way outside and spot him with Mingi and Wooyoung, Juyeon left about an hour ago and Jisung is inside talking to a friend of his, I think his name is Minho but I might be wrong. As I walk up to them, I spot a few people in the pool despite the freezing temperature of the night. "Have you two even left the backyard since you came here?" I ask them, taking a seat next to Seonghwa at the round table. They nod in response, "Yeah when we went to get drinks." "Of course." I mutter at them. I then look at a pack of cigarettes that lay in front of Seonghwa. "You smoke?" I ask him, still eyeing the pack. "Occasionally." He answers, taking a joint from Wooyoung, lightning it up with his lighter. My fingers slowly inch towards the pack, "Don't even think about it." He warns. "What?" I answer. "I'm not letting you smoke." "What? Why?" "Because it's not good for you." A certain feeling pools in my stomach as I take in his words. "But I want to." "But I don't want you to, once you start you won't stop." "Please." "Dude just let her." Wooyoung chimes in making the taller one irritated. "Whatever." Seonghwa gets up from his seat, making me flinch and close my eyes. A silence takes over the four of us as the three of them stare at me worried and confused. I open my eyes once I realise what I did and quickly get up, saying that I'm hungry.

Walking away, I hear footsteps follow me. As I enter the house, I quickly go up the stairs and into an empty room. Taking a seat on the edge of the bed, I start taking deep breaths to calm myself. "Soljoo." I hear a muffled voice coming from the other side of the door. "Go away, Seonghwa." Not listening to what I said, he opens the door to see me now sprawled out on the bed. He closes the door, locking it this time, making me slightly scared. "Please unlock the door." His expression quickly becomes apologetic as he scrambles to unlock the door. "Sorry." I don't answer him. He tries to takes a step closer but decides against it and sits against the wall next to the door. "You know that I didn't try to hit you right?" His voice soft and small. "I would never hurt you." "It's just a reflex, let it go." None of us say anything for a while just basking in the silence as the wind blows the curtains.

"Has he hurt you again since I came over?" Yes. I decide not to answer him but he guessed it. "I'm guessing you don't want to talk about it." I nod but he can't see from where he's sitting. He sighs, getting up and I think that he's going to leave but instead of walking to the door, he walks to the bed and reluctantly sits on the edge of it. I look at him from where I am. "Do you want a hug?" He says in all seriousness making me huff but a warm feeling buzzes in me. I nod once again. In response, he opens his arms and I slowly lift myself up and come closer to him. Sitting on the bed, he pulls me close to him, one arm around my shoulders and another coming up behind my head, pushing it towards his chest. I then wrap my arms around his lower back, feeling a sense of comfort I haven't felt since my mother left.

After a minute or two, Seonghwa leans back onto the bed pulling me with him, still in the same position. "My back hurt. This is more comfortable" He says tensed up. I nod against his chest, feeling his heartbeat. I close my eyes, enjoying this feeling. But that moment is short lived when my phone starts buzzing. I move around still caged in Seonghwa's arms before taking my phone out. "Fuck. Why is he up at this hour?" The two of us sit up. "Is it him?" I nod and answer the phone call.

"Where are you?" Daddy asks through the phone making my heartbeat accelerate. "I'm at San's place." "No you're not." my eyebrows furrow and I answer him "What? Yes I am.". I can feel him getting angrier by the second, "No, because when I knocked on the door and asked where you were he said that you weren't there." San. "I... I went to get food for us because-" "Don't lie to me you piece of shit." "Daddy, I'm serious." "Where are you?" "I'm on my way to San's house." "Where were you?" "I was at the grocery store." "DON'T LIE TO ME, SOLJOO!" my breathing gets heavy and my whole body shakes in fear. "I'm coming back to San's house." "You're lying to me!" "Daddy..." "I'm waiting for you in front of San's place. Hurry."

The phone call cuts off, signalling that he hung up on me. I look at Seonghwa in front of me with wide eyes. "I need to change clothes and get food." "Fuck." In an instant, Seonghwa runs down to the kitchen to get food and a paper bag while I try to look for clothes I can wear because of the halloween costume I'm still wearing. I start crying in the middle of my search, realising that I'm screwed. I run to the room Eunji and Hyunjin went to and start banging on the door. Hyunjin opens it, slightly annoyed. "What do you want?" "Please, I need to change clothes, can I borrow some of yours, I'll give them back on Monday. Please." My voice cracks and Eunji walks to the door worried by what's going on. "Why are you freaking out?" "My dad is waiting for me at San's place and I had to tell him that I'm at a grocery store, I need to change!" Eunji looks at Hyunjin and he runs to his closet, taking out sweatpants a sweatshirt and even shoes and socks to replace my heels. I thank him so many times and run back to the room to get changed. Once I'm done, I run down to the kitchen and see Seonghwa holding a bad filled with unopened food for the party. "Thank you." "Should I come with you?" He asks but I shake my head aggressively and leave the house, hearing him tell me to be safe.

San, how can you do this to me?

I don't like the ending of this chapter cause It's sort of rushed but oh well.

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