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One message from UrMin_Seho

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One message from UrMin_Seho

One message from

My heart skips a beat after seeing the second username. After talking a few times, I have grown more and more curious about him. Whenever we talk, I get all happy and forget about whatever is happening in real life.

I decide to open them in order

Uhm my friend just ditched me to be with his girlfriend and I've never been more hurt.

That friend is canceled, get a new one.

That sounds very tempting but it's fine cause it's only the first time. And they're cute together so I guess it's okay

You always say 'I guess it's okay' when you lie

OKAY yeah, I'm mad! Like we had the whole weekend planned out, we were gonna have fun and at the last moment, he says no cause his girlfriend asked him to come over. Like ??? Can u have sex another time?

None of my other friends who are in a relationship do that

How long has it been since they started dating and did you confront him?

It's been like a month and yeah but not really

So you didn't

You caught me


You know the other guy I'm "talking to"


He sent me a message

Well, that's exciting what did he say?

I didn't check yet

What are you waiting for??

I smile at my phone and exit the chat. I hover over the second username, hesitating for some reason but gather the courage to open it only to be disappointed.
I'm bored

Are you always bored

so you only talk to me when you're bored

Your block button looks pretty nice I want to tap that
Did you just make a sex pun

oh wow... what happened to the innocent girl I was talking to before

you and my friends are at fault
oh goodie you have friends

You know, whenever we talk, I like to think that you won't make fun of me but I'm always let down
You might not believe me but I'm really nice. I'm like the whole package

You're right I don't believe you

Uhm yeah anyways I need to go sleep before my dad comes and kills me
sure yeah goodnight
read 22:57
say it back

I start typing but quickly hide my phone when I hear my door open, fear crawling withing me. "Why aren't you sleeping?" My dad asks and I hear the annoyance in his voice. "I was about to go to sleep before you came, daddy." I feel my hands shake beneath the covers and I see him approach, "So you're blaming me?" He asks in disbelief. But I'm quick to shake my head and repeating "no" but he strikes me across the face, the metal of the ring making it more painful. "How dare you try to put the blame on me?" "I'm sorry, this wasn't my intention." He slaps me across the face one more time before leaving the room. I feel something trickle down the side of my face and I immediately go to my bathroom. In the mirror, I see the cut left by the ring on my cheek. Sighing, I take out the first aid kit and start cleaning the wound. By the time, I'm down, tears are running down my face and I get in bed and I'm only reminded of my phone when I feel the buzz coming from it.
Are you mad at me?

Oh sorry, something happened aha

goodnight 😊

Once more, I fall asleep with dry tear stains on my face.

The next morning, I am woken up by my alarm clock blaring in my face. It's Monday. I have school. I start moving around in bed as a sign of annoyance. After a while, I finally get out of bed and do what I have to do.

I leave the house after shouting "goodbye" to my dad and as soon as I get out, I feel the taps of raindrops on my skin. "Does it always have to rain?" I groan and hurry to the bus stop, trying to find space under the shelter. The bus to school comes soon and after a short 45 minutes, we arrive in front of the school. I check my phone to see the time only to see a message from san, making me let out a soft giggle.

Did the bus already come or am I just really early


The bus already left I'm at school

Fuck this is so annoying


It's fine we have like 15 minutes left

You're not reassuring me. Quite the opposite even. I'm even more stressed out now

sorry haha but I believe in you! you can do it

you're my lucky charm the bus is here

I laugh at his comment and walk to my meeting spot where I wait for Eunji who has yet to show up.

Just then, I hear her voice mixed with multiple other ones. She sees me and gives me a wide grin. "Hey! Kim Soljoo!" She waves at the rest of her friends who disperce in different directions to do to their class and approaches me. Together, we make our way to our class while talking. "Okay so you know how this weekend, we have three days off instead of two", I nod as an answer and she continues, "We should do something!" I nod again. "I've been talking to a new guy friend and him and his friends all really good looking so maybe one of those days we can all meet up." I frown a bit, "What's his name?" "Hwang Hyunjin." "Doesn't he go to this school?" She nods with a big smile on her face, "We went to school together this morning!" I give her a small smile, "How cute."

We enter the classroom and the day begins.

Unknown boy // ATEEZ seonghwa ✓Where stories live. Discover now