Episode Twenty

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For the next two classes, I did a great job of avoiding the guys

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For the next two classes, I did a great job of avoiding the guys. I mean, yeah, Lucas was in Government and Tyler was in Physics, but I didn't sit near them. Even though I could feel them watching me sometimes, I did my best to just stay focused.

When I looked for study hall, I knew I was heading in the right direction when I noticed the guys converge in front of me.

Justin glanced back at me, causing me to slow down and squeeze the straps of my backpack. My eyes fell to the floor as I instantly became infatuated with my shoes. If I could just make it through the rest of the day, everything would be okay.

Everything that I'd been through in the last two days had been absolute hell, and I was literally counting down the minutes until the end of the day.

"Hey," Someone said as I entered the classroom. "You're Ember, right? Lucy's friend?"

I glanced over to see some guy Lucy sat with during lunch. He had an open-mouthed smile pinned to his face, telling me he was a little goofy, but he seemed harmless as he pushed up his blue framed glasses with one finger. He had a lanky frame and his shaggy hair was an absolute mess, but his dark brown eyes were warm and welcoming, which was good enough for me.

My lips stretched into a wide grin. "Yeah. And you are?"

"Steve." He looked away as he fidgeted in discomfort. "There's no assigned seating in here, so you can sit next to me if you want."

Thankful for Lucy, and now Steve, I nodded eagerly. "Thanks."

Steve smiled and gestured for me to follow him to the front.

To my surprise, the guys kept to themselves. They sat in the back of the classroom as a small crowd formed around them.

When the tardy bell rang, Mr. Perry cleared his throat, looking over the class from behind his computer. "Quiet down, class. Everyone needs to get seated, and needs to at least pretend to do something productive."

I chuckled. Mr. Perry was my kind of teacher.

Going against every voice in my head, I glanced back at the guys again. While Justin and Lucas discussed something quietly amongst themselves, three girls burst into giggles as they surrounded Tyler.

Tyler grinned and tickled one when she tried to sit on his desk. Yep. Just like I thought. Things were going back to normal. Good.

Tyler caught me watching him and grimaced as he sent me an apologetic look.

I looked away. I wasn't his mommy. Tyler could do whatever he wanted.

Seated next to Steve, I pulled out my homework and got started. Most people didn't understand that study hall was actually a great time to complete schoolwork, but I did. It was my most productive period of the day. It gave me time to concentrate on school crap so my nights would be free for dance and other stuff.

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