Episode Thirty Two

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Once Justin shut the closet door, he pointed to the back of the closet where he'd opened a wall panel

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Once Justin shut the closet door, he pointed to the back of the closet where he'd opened a wall panel. The secret passage was well hidden behind his gigantic royal wardrobe.

Justin's voice was barely above a whisper when he spoke. "Be as quiet as possible when you're walking and don't say a word. Sound travels easily down here. Tyler, you take point. Lucas, bring up the rear. I don't want anyone to die tonight."

Tyler nodded, reluctantly giving my hand to Justin.

Justin tugged me close, forcing me to release Lucas's hand. Sliding my arms around Justin's middle, I huddled into his chest. Bunching close together, I liked that I could still feel Lucas's warmth at my back. Our soft footsteps were the only sound as Tyler led us down a slender pathway toward a circular stone staircase leading downward.

When we started down the stairs, the strong aroma of lemon pledge mixed with copper filled the surrounding air. Suddenly, the forgotten memory of me as a little girl came to the forefront of my mind. I had been crying on a cold hard floor and struggling to breathe. The air had been thick with smoke. Someone had chained me up, and the lack of oxygen was killing me.

The walls seemed to close in on me as I did my best not to freak out in Justin's arms. This place was way too familiar.

What is it, Gorgeous? Lucas asked in our minds.

I think I've been here before. I whispered in my mind. When I was little, I was chained up, and I'm pretty sure I was dying in a fire.

Tyler abruptly stopped, forcing us to hold our positions. His jaw clenched, and his eyes were fully aglow when they landed on Justin.

I remember that fire when we we're little. You told me you didn't know what happened, but the Moon Guardians were always set on killing off Ember's family. I knew they didn't just disappear. You told us you knew nothing about it, but your father had no problem taking the throne when her father left. What the fuck are you leading us into, Castor? Tyler sneered as a low growl moved through him.

Nothing! And since we're going there, Noble, what about your family? We all know the Fire Clan was the first to attack the Sun Clan, and don't forget that the Earth Clan had no problem jumping in on the fight. Justin accused angrily as his muscles flexed around me.

Lucas's livid gaze landed on Justin, telling me Lucas had to be part the Earth Clan. His lip curled as he glared green bullets at Justin. We've always been under the assumption that the Moon Clan was keeping the peace. What the fuck has your family been doing?

Justin's fingers dug into my side as he glanced between them, eyes wide and gold. I don't know. I've only been to the dungeon once, and it was full of criminals, but you know we have to penalize lawbreakers. It keeps the chaos at bay.

The fearful childhood memory that overwhelmed me had somehow evaporated during their outburst. Tyler and Lucas were furious, and their faces were twisted in rage, conveying that they were about to kill Justin.

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